Well this week is ULTRA week at Pacific East Aquaculture!!

We have a huge selection of ULTRA GRADE Clams, Anemones, and Corals–every color and variety you can imagine, frags to colonies including some economical packages and lots of great specials too!!!





Just a few of our ULTRA GRADE Corals, we have a huge variety of all types of corals—SPS, LPS, Soft—FRAGS TO COLONIES

I already have the T5 fixture haha. Too bad I am too poor to get the new bulb right now. I don’t think the corals will mind a slightly burnt out super actinic, since they will be coming from a 96w PC light haha.

Personally I love the Reeflux bulbs. They have some very good reviews, and are much more reasonable than the XM or Ushios (about 50 compared to 80 plus). I have used them all and like the reeflux much better for color, coral growth and life of the bulb.

Jon is right, you will probably get a hundred answers to the same question.

Most of it is trial and error to find what you like.


Have you tried the 14K Pheonix yet Russ? Just curious how often do you end up replacing you’re bulbs. I hope to get a par meter in the next year, but for time being all I have to go off of is the advice from everyone else. Unfortunitly there is no set number of days a bulb lasts because no two bulbs, ballasts, timers, or operating environments are exactly the same.


I thought it would be easier to post this once rather than try to send a bizzillion pm’s. I am not going to be able to make the february meeting as planned. I am going to be in Worcester helping out with the major Asian Longhorned beetle infestation. I can either hold onto to your frags until the March meeting or set up a day when I am back in town for you to come and pick them up. Just pm me and let me know what you would prefer. Sorry.


P.S. On the bright side: The frags will have had more time to grow so they will be bigger.

ahaaa!!! I KNOW WHO U R!!! and very good to see u around ellen. it’s been a long time. good to see someone who hasn’t quit on the hobby. just set my 90 back up, so i will be callin for some “easy” frags to start me up lol!!

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:5, topic:645”]
I am going to be in Worcester helping out with the major Asian Longhorned beetle infestation.[/quote]

WOW - I have been ditched countless times over the years - but this one gets an A+ for ingenuity, creativity, and delivery. Bravo!! Brava!!!

GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC

Seriously…we don’t even live in Asia… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m cool with whenever is convenient for everyone.

[quote=“jfischer182, post:8, topic:645”]
Seriously…we don’t even live in Asia… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m cool with whenever is convenient for everyone.[/quote]r

I know it is terrible, but a high percentage of the invasive insect species in this country are coming in from China. The Asian Longhorned beetle is a serious threat to our Maple trees. The emerald ash borer also came over from china, and at the rate it is spreading we won’t have any ash trees left in the USA in another 20 years.

[quote=“fishguy9, post:6, topic:645”]
ahaaa!!! I KNOW WHO U R!!! and very good to see u around ellen. it’s been a long time. good to see someone who hasn’t quit on the hobby. just set my 90 back up, so i will be callin for some “easy” frags to start me up lol!![/quote]

Damm, I slipped up and signed my name! I was talking to your Mom, and she told me to mess with you. It is good to be back in the hobby after a long break. As soon as I am back in town for more than 2 days I will set you up with some frags.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:7, topic:645”]

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:5, topic:645”]
I am going to be in Worcester helping out with the major Asian Longhorned beetle infestation.[/quote]

WOW - I have been ditched countless times over the years - but this one gets an A+ for ingenuity, creativity, and delivery. Bravo!! Brava!!!

GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC GolfC[/quote]

Thanks. I bet you won’t ever hear that excuse from anyone again. Seriously though it sucks. It is cold as hell in Mass, and when the temp makes it above 40 the snow starts to melt and you are up to your knees in mud.

oh, i will still b awhile. but great talking to u. and when u get back, i want a tank tour at least. good luck on the trip.

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:11, topic:645”]
It is cold as hell in Mass, and when the temp makes it above 40 the snow starts to melt and you are up to your knees in mud.[/quote]

How come the freezing temps don’t kill the bugs?

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:13, topic:645”]

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:11, topic:645”]
It is cold as hell in Mass, and when the temp makes it above 40 the snow starts to melt and you are up to your knees in mud.[/quote]

How come the freezing temps don’t kill the bugs?[/quote]

Well most insects overwinter as either eggs or larvae. The beetle larvae are living under the bark in galleries they have constructed in the wood. They are kept warm enough to survive and when spring comes they start feeding again, then they pupate and chew their way out of the trees as adults.

so what do the humans have to do to battle the insects?

[quote=“moliken, post:15, topic:645”]
so what do the humans have to do to battle the insects?[/quote]

For the tree destroying beetles like the Asian longhorned, they are cutting down and chipping all of the infested trees. They have cut over 3000 trees in Worcester already. We are bringing back infested sections of the trees to do research on the beetle. We have a quaranteen facility at our lab in Newark.

It is really sad to see all of the trees coming down. I have heard estimates that upwards of 6000 trees will be cut in Worcester before this is all over. :-?

Sorry to get so off topic with the insect talk, but this is what I deal with everyday.

  1. Yikes. how awful

yes, Invasive species everywhere. like the dutch elm desease that wiped out nearly all native elm trees. but some were resistant, and are being propogated and mass produced for a long term replanting. along with some hybrids. we got zebra mussels in the great lakes from the black sea? around here we have phragamites in the marshes, snake heads in the potomac, and now africanized bees in Utah. chinese mitten crabs in the chesapeake bay and fire ants moving up from the south. global trade is spreading more than dollars.

I have read that the western pine bark beetle will eat its way east through canadian forests and descend the east coast in 20 years, thanks to global warming. Im not sure but a couple pines in my yard might have some kind of beetle. the woodpeckers have girdled them with holes. I’ll have to cut them down soon.