UV sterilizer wattage question.

What size UV should I be using on a 65g tank w 15-20g sump? Some say 8 or 9, then I see mfg saying I need a 24w.
I do not want to kill beneficial critters that are free floating… but I do want all fish-sucking parasites to burn in UV hell.

Thank you for your time and input,
Best regards,

[quote=“StoneReefer_210, post:1, topic:4788”]
I do not want to kill beneficial critters that are free floating… but I do want all fish-sucking parasites to burn in UV hell.[/quote]

I don’t think that is possible radiation poisoning is indiscriminate, if it’s a strong enough bulb and slow enough flow to kill parasites then it’s going to kill anything else that is free floating that passes over it.

i think the determining factor is the speed/gallons at which the water goes past the bulb relative to wattage. if stuff is exposed too long it dies, so the uv needs to be balanced between killing baddies fish-sucking parasites and saving goodies beneficial critters.

I believe I will refrain from the UV sterilizer. I think the bad outweighs the good in this case.

Thank you guys for the input. As always DRC to the rescue!


I have always used the 0 watt invisible variety on all the tanks I work on. :wink: Good call Josh. Save the cash saved on unit, bulbs, and electric for something that will make a difference. Perhaps a controller or an upgrade to flow?

[quote=“Gordonious, post:5, topic:4788”]
I have always used the 0 watt invisible variety on all the tanks I work on. :wink: Good call Josh. Save the cash saved on unit, bulbs, and electric for something that will make a difference. Perhaps a controller or an upgrade to flow? [/quote]

lol i dont think he will have a problem spending the money on something else, i believe we are all under this unfortunate circumstance ha ha…

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