VHS movies, free to good home

Got a bunch- prolly 30 or so. come get them quick or a goodwill we will go…


joe i will take them for a frag

VHS??? Is that like Beta? :smiley:

What is a “VHS”? I think that is before my time… lOl

HEHEHH Glenn, all yours. No frag needed, but if you want to make a donation, I will not refuse. LEmme know when you want to pick them up. Some are a little odd, so if you don’t want them, pitch em.

[quote=“Jocephus, post:5, topic:1621”]
Some are a little odd, so if you don’t want them, pitch em.[/quote]

Odd? As in Clockwork Orange odd?

A Clockwork Orange?

Yes my little Droogies! that was a great film. Futuristic modernistic existentialism. the wurld to be?

Poor Alex… but then, he won the battle of the political world.

Didn’t He?