
Anyone have experience using this in their tank? I know there are a crapton of threads on Reef2Reef about it, but wanted to see if anyone more local has had good/bad experience with it and if it works.

Never heard of it. What is it?
And why does your tank possibly need it?

Only seen the threads on R2R about it. I don’t like “cures in a bottle”. Most people reported cyano issues with it.

Its supposed to rid the tank of nuisance algae. I’m trying it just because i’m tired of beating my head against the wall with algae that i can’t ever seem to get rid. All my param’s are good in the tank, adjusted the lighting, but I can’t seem to ever control it and its beyond frustrating. Plus I think the algae is having a detrimental effect on my chaeto because it doesn’t ever want to grow, just stays the same size… looks really healthy, but never grows. Just at my wits end with it.

We would need more info to help, but as far as “Vibrant” it seems most of the reviews that are positive are people defending their purchase.

You say that the algae in the tank is out competing the chaeto. I would make sure you have good flow around the chaeto and add a plant growth light right above it, I use This One and it works great for me.

Also what nuisance algae are you dealing with GHA, cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates…

No mater how you look at it you need to export excess nutrients, most of us do that with water changes that include cleaning the sandbed and blowing off the rocks, using an oversized skimmer and growing and “harvesting” a macro algae.

I’ll take some pics of my sump set up. i think the algae is a diatom/slime bloom, which i’ll take a pic of as well. i do weekly water changes right now, at which i try to suck out as much of the loose algae on the sand bed as i can by stirring it up. my skimmer is definitely undersized, just need to get some funds to pick up a 65 gal which will fit.

Also, my phos is 0, nitrate ranges between 5 and 10, ammonia 0. All stay very steady.

What size tank do you have?

What are you using for circulation in your tank ?

30 gal dt w/ 20 gal sump. I’ll load in some pics today.

ok so i’m having issues trying to load pics on here so i guess you will have to take my word for it for now.

if you have the pics on your phone the easiest way is to attach them using the taptalk app.
If they are on your computer you can use the attachment option here to add them,.

So i bought the Red Sea test kit, super nice, but wanted to get a new kit just in case i was getting bad info from my older API tests.
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - between 2 and 5
Ammonia - 0
DKH - 11
Calcium - 420

so all my paramaters are on the money at least as far as i know. i swapped out the light in the fuge for the LED grow light and cleaned up as much of the algae in the fuge as i could scrape out. i’ll be doing a water change on tuesday night to try and suck out as much of the algae on my sandbed as i can in a 3-4 gallon change out. i’ll keep doing this for the time being and hopefully i can get it under control.

[quote=“reeferbar, post:6, topic:9045”]
I’ll take some pics of my sump set up. i think the algae is a diatom/slime bloom, which i’ll take a pic of as well. i do weekly water changes right now, at which i try to suck out as much of the loose algae on the sand bed as i can by stirring it up. my skimmer is definitely undersized, just need to get some funds to pick up a 65 gal which will fit.

Also, my phos is 0, nitrate ranges between 5 and 10, ammonia 0. All stay very steady.[/quote]I have a reef octo think it’s a 200 or 250 I’m not using. Would rather see some 1 use it then just sit n collect dust

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