Video of my tank

Wasn’t until the very end I realized I could tap to focus with the iphone4s lol…

Why can’t I embed youtube here?

Nice video Tim. Tank looks great.

OOOOHHHH!! Nice looking tank, Tim! I like watching the fish play. I’m sure you do too.

TY Ken! Funny it wasn’t till someone mentioned it that I noticed the Tomini Tang doing laps lol!

[quote=“TimH07, post:1, topic:5082”]
Why can’t I embed youtube here?[/quote]

this software doesn’t support it…

tank looks nice Tim ::thumbsup::

nice tank lol next time tell the tomini i bet you cant beat your record

Beautiful coloring in your corals, looks great! What do you use for lighting?

[quote=“Lynchie, post:7, topic:5082”]
Beautiful coloring in your corals, looks great! What do you use for lighting?[/quote]

6 T5 bulbs, all Giesemann brand.

Yes! Your tomini tang must be in training. doing laps. he sprints past the glass front, then travels through the “It’s a Small World” tunnel in back to emerge at the other end. He has to dodge all the slow traffic as he laps them.