Vortech price increase, TOMORROW(10/1)

Anyone on the edge of purchasing a Vortech may want to get a move on it today. If you visit your favorite LFS today they can order you one at the same price they’ve been at for the last year. If you go in tomorrow it will be significantly higher.

I know I’d hate to find out a day late that I’ve been saving up only to have the price increase before I was going to buy.

Before and after prices are listed here: http://www.TerraReef.com/EcoTech

What about the mp20-mp40 upgrade? Sucks the prices went up $20 on everything. Wish I could have taken advantage of tfp and the 30% coupon before they excluded vortech pumps.

tfp didn’t really exclude EcoTech did. They put their foot down and stood up for the little guys and I have mad respect to EcoTech for doing so.

EcoTech’s latest price list actually doesn’t show a price for the mp20-mp40 upgrade. I don’t think they increased though, unless you haven’t looked at pricing in 3 months as they went up about 3 months ago.

Last time I checked it was $150 for the upgrade. I do plan on doing this sometime in the near future and eventually buying a mp40w es

I had a blast yesterday playing with my 10, 40, and 60. Just ordered another 10 today. I need to take some video of some of my tanks. I have a 30gallon anemone/xenia tank that has the water level 1" lower then the top of the tank. That thing gets rocking with an MP10wes set on a .68 second pulse. My skunk clown has a rough time staying in the anemones.

Do you use only 1 mp10 in the 30?

Yup and it get’s just about 0 help from the return pump which only provides a small tickle of flow in that particular tank. Many people would say it’s too much flow for the tank and actually after just going down now and seeing my clown seemingly struggling again I think I am going to turn it down a bit. Unfortunately it’s position is partially blocked by pipes so with out those it would move even more. I just took a short video, while the lights are off I think it may give you an idea of what is going on.

Ok, please note primitive video shot just for this post. Lights off, accept for room light which is where the yellow color comes from(though this is a very high nutrient system which both the Xenia and anemones LOVE)Camera settings and focus are also crap.

Anyone in the club not have Xenia and want some, lol? I have spare anemones as well.

Speaking of which I have been monitoring this tank frequently recently to make sure the anemones don’t decide to go walking because of the flow. They seem to be very settled in their positions, but I’m sure if I kept the Vortech in their for long I’d have one shredded.

Every vortech product will go up in price on the 1st

Meaning today, it is past midnight. :slight_smile:

Where did you hear this from? The foam screens did not go up in price, the glue did not go up in price, the replacement wet sides did not go up in price, the batteries did not go up in price, and I’m actually pretty sure the upgrade kits didn’t go up either. That’s direct from EcoTech Marine.

I forget what website I seen it on but all the prices looked higher than last week.

You’re mp10 is set on the wave function or long pulse? I assume both would really be the same but I do not know all the options in the newer drivers. Also is it me or is that vortech pretty loud? Looked like a lot of flow going in there. I have decent flow but not in every area thats why I can’t wait to upgrade to 2 mp40’s

The programming for all of my Vortechs are done with a Neptune controller versus… push this button, then push that button, and hold for 5 seconds till you see the amber and green line, then tap your head, and rub your stomach… That’s annoying, but really I use the Neptune to change the programming on a finer scale and have it go through different programming different times of days.

Here is the profile for the MP10
On time .66
Intensity 100

Here is the programming for the MP60 in my 120.
Fallback DefaMP60
Set DefaMP60
If Time 01:15 to 01:20 Then ConsMP60
If Time 01:35 to 01:45 Then NutrMP60
If Time 04:30 to 05:30 Then 120Wave
If Time 13:15 to 13:20 Then ConsMP60
If Time 13:35 to 13:45 Then NutrMP60
If Time 15:30 to 16:30 Then 120Wave
If Time 18:15 to 19:20 Then ReCrMP60
If Time 21:30 to 22:30 Then 120Wave
If FeedA 005 Then Slow
If Outlet FeedButton = ON Then Slow

You’re upgrading to two MP40s in what size tank? You may just want to consider different programming versus adding more/upgrading.

I still have a lot of old inefficient equipment in my basement that are a bit noisy. Keep in mind there is also an MP40 and MP60 surging as well. And to take those videos the camera is positioned a couple inches away from the MP40 at 100% power.

hey jon, is there ANY way to refine the mp40 so i could run 2 or 3 diff programs throughtout the day, without an outside controller.

I believe there is but it will void your warranty and is a pita. Contact Mike, longballz. I believe he was messing around with this.

I have a 75g tank. I am using a korlia 1400 and a mp20 on reef crest mode 100% then around 8pm it goes into night time mode I also added my little 238gph nano powerhead to help accommodate some in the front towards the lower section. I think my rock scape also makes it tricky in my tank which I will eventually change again.