Vote for my DIY project on FB!!

BRS is doing their monthly photo contest and this month the catagory is DIY. I uploaded this pick of my aquarium controller, please click the link to vote!!

I voted several times. Or I click on it several time.

when i click on your link it takes me to a pretty much blank page with a banner saying i can upload my photo here for the $200 contest? oh and if i click on the banner it takes me to the page of entrant pictures, but i cant figure out how to vote for yours, or any. it says i have to be FB verified or something. Whats that about?

oh hey, you forgot your little bottle of Lanthanum Chloride here the other day. but you probably know that… Hows the clam?

Shoot, can u bring it to the meeting tomorrow?

The clam is doing great! It’s giving me an excuse to read has cape hahaha.

The meeting is next week not this week, school is closed tis week.

OK Bryant.