since i am redoing my living room floor and pulling my 90 gallon out, i am looking for a 92 corner. i am hoping there is someone out there looking to get rid of one. i have a 90 regular tank, stand and canopy i will be selling if i find a corner tank. i need to find one pretty fast so if ya seen one let me know… i only have couple hundred to spend until i sell my 90.
Glenn not sure if he still has it but Rich17 had a big corner tank.
All I can offer is “be careful what you wish for” I used to have a 92 corner.
Not a really fun tank to have. Lighting it is a pain. No room for anything larger then a 20g sump underneath, if anything falls over or dies there is no way to reach the bottom of the tank in the back corner. Since the glass is curved it’s virtually impossible to take any good close up pictures.
If I were going to do it again I would make it a FOWLR not a reef.
ok as of now i have not found a corner tank, so i have around 24 hours till my 90 goes back up to oppesite corner of living room. so if there are anyone out there with a corner tank i need it asap. i would hate to move my tank a third time in a week.
saw this 54 on craigs. last weekend sale?
might still be there.