Warning to Stores--Thieves In The Area!

This past Friday a male and female team stole about $4000 in corals from my store. We know who they are and they will be prosecuted, this is a felony with potential of 10 years in prison and $10,000 fine and we will follow this case to see that the full extent of the law is followed and justice is served. This was a well planned premeditated robbery. We have photos and video. The pair live in DE and at least one if not both have been active in the club. The male has confessed partially to his crime and tried to return only a few of the corals stolen. Unfortunately we do not have back most of the corals and none of the high end broodstock that was taken. Maryland Sheriff patrol was present but did not immediately arrest him. I don’t pretend to fully understand why, the perp confessed to the officer, had some of the stolen property on him that he was attempting to return and claim the few pieces were everything stolen, and then later admitted to having stolen more and threw his girlfriend under the bus by implicating her after he swore to the officer earlier that she knew nothing about the crime when in fact both were implicated. The officer told us that he has never seen such a well documented case against a perp in his 10 years and that he is putting together some 35+ charges and that arrest warrants will be issued within a couple of days. So, they are still out there and this post serves as a warning. They may have already sold or may attempt to sell you some of the corals or could attempt to do the same thing to you. If someone has done so feel free to contact us directly and we can go over the list of corals stolen.

This post is intended to serve as notice to all stores to be on guard, keep and extra close eye open because these folks are skilled. I don’t think it would be wise for me to post their names, photos, video. So, just leave it for now that you want to be extra careful during the busy holiday season.

Sorry that happened to u

Thanks, me too! Nice Christmas present and good way to bring on that warm and fuzzy feeling, not!!

I am truly sorry that something like this happens to such nice people. Dr.Mac and his wife are two of the most devoted, helpful, caring people in our hobby.
Everyone should stay alert if anyone offers to sell high end frags to you. And as for the 2 morons, to think that you could actually steal live corals and get away with it, is simply STUPID!!!

Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. I did not post to generate sympathy, but rather to warn stores to be on the look out, we are all small family owned businesses trying to make a living and I don’t wish this on anyone else. The corals taken were some high end Chalices, Leptoseris, Australomussa, Acans, Goniopora, and others. Many are higher end broodstock and they were quite strategic about their deed, bypassing some corals and taking others from multiple tanks, so it was not a spur of the moment random act.

[quote=“Dr. Mac, post:1, topic:6091”]
The pair live in DE and at least one if not both have been active in the club.[/quote]

Very disturbing… sorry you have to put up with this nonsense, especially since you have always been so supporting to our club.

I do have definite confirmation from a club memeber that the girl has been active with the club. I’d love to post their names, photos, and video, but obviously can’t at this time. Wondering if we can go after them for animal cruelty, and with the feds for endangered animal cruelty and theft? I want as many charges against these folks as possible.

[quote=“Dr. Mac, post:7, topic:6091”]
I do have definite confirmation from a club memeber that the girl has been active with the club. I’d love to post their names, photos, and video, but obviously can’t at this time. Wondering if we can go after them for animal cruelty, and with the feds for endangered animal cruelty and theft? I want as many charges against these folks as possible.[/quote]

We respect whatever you need to do at this time Doc. I am concerned about the fact that this is a member of Our club, a club we all love!

Publicly, or privately…When presented the info, we’ll be removing any club affiliation with those responsible.

Why hide their ID’s, shame them publicly is always a great way to “prosecute” people.

[quote=“TimH07, post:9, topic:6091”]
Why hide their ID’s, shame them publicly is always a great way to “prosecute” people.[/quote]

Simply because they haven’t been arrested just yet.

Both perps have facebook pages. I would love nothing better than to inform their “friends” that at least one of them is a confessed and soon to be convicted felon. However, I don’t want to jeopardize the case. Their are kids involved too so it will be sad for them that dad will be arrested and may be in jail for Christmas because he is a thief and fool. Had he returned all the corals and been remorseful maybe things might have gone down differently, but instead he decided to steal some one of a kind corals and not return them nor fess up to taking them, but we have proof. He acted the sniveling weasel that he is. His goose is cooked! Once the arrest is public record you will all know the names.

Hmmm. very few active females on the forum… makes ya just go hmmmm.

Today’s society has really gone to crap. And to think our gun rights might be getting a little more restricted >:::

[quote=“JustSumGuy, post:12, topic:6091”]
Today’s society has really gone to crap.[/quote]

Agreed from many aspects, but trying not to be too much of a Scrooge.

Please please, vendors please be careful of any male and female team that might contact you. One other vendor has contacted me that had been contacted by the perps and I think they were planning a theft from him too. They were set up to go in Friday night but cancelled and said they would be in over the weekend, and yes it is confirmed that it is the same pair and no I will not yet reveal their names and ask that the other vendor not do so yet so as to not jeopardize the case. The way they work is that the female distracts as the male pockets. Likely they have done this to me and others before and will continue.

I know this thread was not to get sympathy but I am truly sorry that you had to go through this tragedy. Small businesses are hard enough to keep going let alone with a hit like this. You and your wife are in my family’s thoughts and prayers as the case continues, and I believe they will get what they desirve. I have purchased (key word there!) corals in the past and have always been more then happy. I personally hope this insident will not affect the clubs repor with the store as I’m sure we all can agree we appreciate not only the quality but the 1st class customer service. Good luck in the following days.

Thanks. I’d been down in the dumps all day, but hearing that we may have helped prevent another theft at another vendor because of this thread has really brightened my night!

  Wow I've been working all day 

    This is VERY VERY disturbing, SORRY to hear this.  >::: >::: >::: >::: >::: >::: >::: >::: >::: >:::

    Let justice prevail, hope you get your property back Dr. Mac..

[quote=“billrob71, post:17, topic:6091”]
Let justice prevail, hope you get your property back Dr. Mac…[/quote]

Thanks, but this will not happen. We will never see those again. Of the few pieces he brought back some have now died. So all those nice one of a kind Chalices and the Leptoseris and Acans and all the others are either in his or her tank, sold off, or dead by now. Problem is that they are in DE and we are in MD so kind of difficult for local police to go after them on those.

I just heard about this down at DPA. They read your posts. I couldnt believe it either. Every now and then we hear of a snatch and grab. a couple colonies somewhere in the country , but not this scope. You are right, dont make a circus of it undtil you get a judgement. The sherriff at first was probably puzzled when you said they stole your live rock thingys. but I’m sure they have a good idea about them now.

Yes, you had a wonderful collection of mother colonies. hopefully , in time, loyal customers can return some frags from those rare strains to replace the lost genetic diversity. but its a long time to start them up again.
I’m Really sorry to hear this.

that is just a shame especially since as you said many of them may be dead anyway