Weight of Tank Canopy??

The neighbor down the street and I have begun to wrap up building a canopy for my 180 gallon reef tank. We finally were about to wrap up the final construction and I’m worried it will be too heavy to put on the top of the tank. The canopy has a sub frame made out of 2x3s and a few 2x4s. The outside pieces that go over the frame are 1x3s cut and attached vertically. The canopy with the light will weigh about 80lbs. I am open to anyone’s suggestions. The last thing i want is to put this on top of the tank and come home and everything is on the floor. Any suggestions would be appreciated. See the pictures for more details.

Lag it to the wall :slight_smile:

I made mine just out of 1’ x 2" for the shell and covered the sides with luan plywood, which is real thin and light weight and easy to stain or paint. I will dig up some pics, they are from like 8yrs ago. Not very good pics, hope they help

This is a recent pic. I installed 2 fans on each side

the lighter the better. the ones i made for my 75 size tanks weigh only about 15 pounds. lights and VHO ballasts included.