These two soft-looking coral flower things have been growing side by side each other for a couple of months now. No one can identify them, they haven’t multiplied, and they are steadily growing larger. Any ideas??
Could be glass anemone. Like aptasia. Or could be some weird type. I had something that looked similar but it was way in the back I tried to get it out but couldnt it disappeared
In all actuality it’s in the same family as aptasia. I met someone giving it away when i got in to the hobby and thought they looked cool. he said he’d send me 3 if I paid shipping, when I got the package I was excited to find he sent me six. A week later I was counting them to see if they all survived and I had 9, a week later 12, after a month or so I had about 30, after a solution of kalk paste and a syringe (and some peppermint shrimp) I had 0.
I’d reccomend removing it now before you regret it later.
If you like them, keep em… but just keep an eye on them, the nems in that class can get outta control really quick.
I’ve had some little aptasia looking, and majano ones that havent done much in over a year… but i have those little green ones (which look pretty cool) starting to go crazy, and stinging coral.
if you decide to get rid of them,let me know …
if you want to kalk them, i’ll come down and help you if you want ::
Thanks guys, and thanks John! We already cut the rock with bone cutters below the nems, they’s gone.
What was interesting is that we had particular rock for the last six months, in the same spot, and they just magically appeared on it, just the two of them. They never split or multiplied, but over the last week or so started to grow really fast.
Just watch out there will be more. I had them bad before. When I had a coral banded shrimp. Then the CBS died I got a bunch of p shrimp now they’re gone. I couldn’t get mine with the kalk paste
[quote=“StoneReefer_210, post:8, topic:5184”]
and they just magically appeared[/quote]
Many hobbyist celebrate the magical appearance of beautiful green glass like bubbles in their tanks. Many hobbyist brag about how healthy they’re tanks are and that anemones are doing so well they’re reproducing like crazy in short time and they never even added any anemones to the tank.
Keep in mine Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation in the early 1800s. Animals really don’t just appear in your tank with 99.999999% likely hood you added it to the tank and with out careful quarantine you could again.(or something worse) Pest anemones and many of the things we don’t won’t in our aquariums are both very prolific and often mobile, so while you may have had the rock for a while the anemone could have spawned there or moved there recently.
BTW, I know you likely don’t believe in spontaneous generation, but I just wanted you and others reading along that this close call could have become a much worse situation and could also fairly easily been avoided in the future. Good time to reflect. I am working to help several hobbyist overcome pest anemone infestations at the moment and it is no easy task.
[quote=“StoneReefer_210, post:8, topic:5184”]
and they just magically appeared[/quote]
Many hobbyist celebrate the magical appearance of beautiful green glass like bubbles in their tanks. Many hobbyist brag about how healthy they’re tanks are and that anemones are doing so well they’re reproducing like crazy in short time and they never even added any anemones to the tank.
Keep in mine Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation in the early 1800s. Animals really don’t just appear in your tank with 99.999999% likely hood you added it to the tank and with out careful quarantine you could again.(or something worse) Pest anemones and many of the things we don’t won’t in our aquariums are both very prolific and often mobile, so while you may have had the rock for a while the anemone could have spawned there or moved there recently.
BTW, I know you likely don’t believe in spontaneous generation, but I just wanted you and others reading along that this close call could have become a much worse situation and could also fairly easily been avoided in the future. Good time to reflect. I am working to help several hobbyist overcome pest anemone infestations at the moment and it is no easy task. [/quote]
Thanks for the claarification, I certainly don’t believe in magically generating life. My GF posted that and she can be a bit fantastical at times. Anyway, I always appreciate your strait-forward responses. They may come off harsh sometimes, but its always helpful/insightful.
Hope to meet everyone soon! I’ll be piggybacking off John S. and Dunk’s setup, seeya there.