What HAPPY looks like (Oct meeting wrap-up)

I know somebody that left happy tonight…

The golden ticket winner of the MP40w-ES!
How many things can put a smile on a grown mans face like that!
Congrats Marty ! :BEER
Rub it in Let us know how much you love it!

Ken, the chili was a home-run ::thumbsup:: Frank tell the Mrs. the cornbread was great, and thanks to everyone else that chipped in on some sides

I really enjoyed Craig’s tank tour! great pictures, i love the satan clown and anenome!
Craig always downplay’s it, but thats a nice looking tank. well done tour! YahoO

I’m looking forward to next month, the November tank-tour is already lined up! A 180g display with a basement sump/ frag tank… I saw some i phone pics of it tonight… healthy, growing, and tons of COLOR!.. can’t wait to get in front of it with my camera Jason!
thanks for volunteering

Great meeting once again PBJ!. Even though I didn’t win the MP 40ws (wish I did) :-(", congrats to Marty. And once again Ken out did his self, GREAT chili! :BEER I had 2 bowls but could gone for some more, but I’m sure the wife wouldn’t appreciated. #@$^ :-)###

Was a great meeting, great to see such a great turn out.  :BEER

Congrats Marty!!! Oh wait you will not see this. JuMp ThIs

I could not believe how close the election was, had to wait till every last vote was counted to know for sure. ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl::

The fact that Marty was litterally shaking he was so excited to have won made the night worthwhile to me.

Thank you everyone for coming out and electing our new (same) officers last night. It makes us all feel really proud that you think we’ve done a good enough job to allow us to keep at it for another year.Â

Trust me when I say this year will be better than last … I know this because we’re raffeling off another MP40 next month YahoOÂ

Thank you everyone that contributed last night with food, conversation, raffle tickets, etc.