What to stock next in my 300

So I added to my 55g QT 7 Lyretail Anthias today, 1 male and 6 females. The male is about 3" and the females 2".
Adding 3 more females next week. They seem to be pretty shy but are nibbling on mysis shrimp and brine shrimp.

I hear all the replies and I appreciate everyone’s input but I do not wish to add really small fish into my tank like Neon gobies which are about 1", it would disappear in this tank… it would be a waste of $$ if I can’t even see the fish.

Once I add the Anthias in my tank, that will bring lots of movement and color to the tank. Adding a pair of 3" Blue throat trigger after that and then later a yellow and a regal tang. That should be it.
Hope the 7" Crosshatches play nice with the little Blue throats. I think they should be ok since the difference in size and color.

Well, got my fish shipment from DD today (3 lyretail and a pair of blue throat triggers) but to my dismay, the male trigger came in just about DOA. The water he was in, was super cloudy and foul, stunk like crazy and he was barely alive. Died while getting acclimated.

I’m pissed because I wanted a pair and now I’m stuck with a female. They refunded me for the pair but it still sucks since I now have to pair her up.

The anthias are doing great, I now have 1 male and 9 females, all swimming out in the open, some aggression between the females but nothing major.

Sorry to hear about the loss in shipping, thats why I am still skeptical about online orders of live stock but then again you can roll the dice at LFS.

I added a target mandarin back to the tank after the last one carpet surfed, and I got lucky again with good quality and happy fish from ECA.

[quote=“TimH07, post:23, topic:3291”]
Sorry to hear about the loss in shipping, thats why I am still skeptical about online orders of live stock but then again you can roll the dice at LFS.

I added a target mandarin back to the tank after the last one carpet surfed, and I got lucky again with good quality and happy fish from ECA.[/quote]

True but I’ve never bought a “bad” fish from DD… ever! I guess there is always a first time.

[quote=“Lambo Boy, post:24, topic:3291”]
True but I’ve never bought a “bad” fish from DD… ever! I guess there is always a first time.[/quote]

Ordered from them several times as well, with no issues. Good to hear they credited you for the pair, customer service is rare in online shopping, but I’ve always been treated right by F & S.

That stinks about the blue throat. Anthias still holding up?

[quote=“Gordonious, post:26, topic:3291”]
That stinks about the blue throat. Anthias still holding up? [/quote]

The anthias are doing great, had 6 females and added 3 more a few days ago, there were some extra squabbling but nothing serious. If no sign of them getting sick, should I just transfer them to the DT w/o
treatment? Or should they go thru prazipro and maybe cupramine? Read somewhere that anthias are not fond of any kind of treatment, is that true?

That is a difficult call, but I would lean towards saying add them vs. trying a prophylactic treatment if you don’t have a good deal experience doing so. I would personally, at home with my experience if it were me adding them to my tank, use hypo however that is a good bit a fish to do hypo on at all at once and I wouldn’t recommend it in this case for you in this situation.

Odds are they will be fine, there is always a chance though. Of course you’ve been involved in the hobby enough you know this. Some of our local fish stores are supposedly getting fish that have already been quarantined, but what exactly that means is unclear and the benefit significantly decreases when they order from other vendors and put them all into the same system. There are some local “professionals" that have been planning on treating fish from their clients for 4-5 years now, but none do at this point.

Oh and have a happy and cheerful day.(incase anyone wants to tell me the facts are depressing, lol)

I’m still jealous of those LEDs!

Well, they will in QT for another 2 weeks so we’ll see if they will need treatment by then.

All my anthias came from LiveAquaria, I usually do not buy from LFS. I know I should support them but their fish stock is not that great and the “sharing water” thing really stinks. I do support them by buying dry goods and DEPremium Aquatics have been getting better at getting nice fish.

BTW, I picked up another 24" Solaris I5 as a spare, just in case one of my dies on me. Paid $600 on eBay and the thing is practically new.

Well there is no way you would get even 4-5 anthias at a time from any of our LFS and if you did they would be in rough conditions. Don’t blame you at all for going the online option, you pretty much didn’t have a choice. Just brought it up as a, “well there isn’t really an option to get fish that don’t carry a risk”.

I second your statement on DPA getting in better and better fish, I heard they are also taking steps to keep them healthier. I know you’re not a coral geek, but the last time I was in their corals were awesome compared to anything else you’ll find in the state. You can’t get high end equipment anywhere else locally either like Vortex pumps or Tropic Marin Pro salt. The Fish Bowl in Dover is stepping up their fish selection as well, but I know that wouldn’t really be considered local to someone living even further north then I am in Newark.

AND just sold a small harem of 8 purple queen anthias just today… btw.

Were they pre-ordered/requested?

no… im just givin ya a hard time. Saint:)

Added my anthias to the DT yesterday. They are doing great, swimming around but mostly moving cautious around the tank. There are so many nook and crannies in this tank, it’s hard to spot them all.
Eating time, the bigger fish swims around kind of fast so the anthias are a little scared, eating food that comes to them while staying just outside some cranny. It’s only been a day so I hope they will come out more as they get more used to their tank mates.

Change the settings on the light, make it dim for another 3-4 days to help them adjust. The less they can see the less they will be scared of.

Most Anthias seem to take a while to come out in the open.

They are out in the open, swimming between rocks and pretty much everywhere specially the male.
When they get startled by a fish, they go into a cranny. I think they are doing really good, no need to dim lights.

Got a male Blue Throat trigger today to replace the male that came DOA. Put him in the QT where the female is and no aggression whatsoever. They even ate right next to each other.

Also got from Diver’s Den, a Noronha wrasse from Brazil, really pretty… about 4.5". Gave him a dip and in he went into the DT. I don’t QT thalassoma wrasses, they lots of room to swim and are pretty hardy, hope I did the right thing. Ever heard of one? Their max size according to DD is only 5".

Next after the Blue Throats are out of QT, i will be getting tangs. Maybe a regal and a yellow or a PBT and a yellow… Or just a yellow since the other two gets easily sick!!

To be honest not that species in particular, but have a ton of hands on experience with four other species of that genus.(Lunare Wrasse, orange shoulder, bluehead, and banana) They do look sharp. This guy will be likely be a pig, and eat like crazy. Might jump up and nip your finger if he thinks you’re putting food in.(won’t likely hurt you though) At the same time if you startle him, he will seemingly disappear.(will go into the sand bed) Very active, out in the open, love to swim. Keep him well fed or you will un-dubitably see aggression. I have seen fish of the same genus begin to eat their tank mates of the ~same size when under fed.
This was likely a good choice for your aquarium. They do LOVE crustaceans though. Did you say you had brittle sea stars?
All wrasses have the potential to be jumpers, this is especially true if you keep more than one and they begin to exhibit mating behaviors.

Why would you go powder brown when you could go blue? I think the blues are sooo much prettier. In my opinion.

I chose the Noronha because of it’s size, i don’t think he’ll get as big as some of the Thalassoma species accordantly to DD’s site, look at below’s link:


Also, I did mean, PBT… powder blue tang and not brown.

Ah, lol. B could have fit with either. Not sure why I made an assumption.

I have seen some of the orange shoulders just get plain out nasty, but they were also kept in small over crowded underfed aquariums.