What did you think about this Noronha wrasse? First one I’ve ever seen…
I was planning on getting a Banana wrasse but like this one because of it’s max size.
Hey sorry I never replied to your message. Not really sure what to think of them as I have 0 hands on experience, but I think it would probably do well in your set up.
How is it doing so far?
The wrasse is doing great, really fun to watch, loves to twirl around.
So here is the stocking fish in this tank:
pair of Xhatch triggers
pair of Blueline angels
pair of Blue throat triggers
10 Lyretail anthias (1 male-9 females)
1 Maroon clown
1 Noronha wrasse
1 Flame angel
Have a Regal tang and a Yellow tang in QT right now and that’s it unless I lose a fish, this will be all the fish in the 300DT.
Sounds great Bill, I bet it looks amazing.
Have you avoided any algae problems with it so far? I know you keep the lighting to a minimum.
Algae is not a problem so far, as a matter of fact, i just boosted up the power of the Solaris by 10%. Now I’m running 40% whites and 50% blues.
Sounds nice.
Just a note on damsel fish, most are aggressive but not all color morph or get huge. The yellowtails you were reffering to would be a great choice in that tank. They stay small, don’t lose their color and are great for dispersing aggression since they’re so Hardy and scrappy. I had a few yellowtails that my old angels chased instead of each other. The damsels would fight but each had its own territory staked out and in a 300g, 5 wouldnt be a problem.
Jeff when have you had a tank running for more than 8 months? As frequently as you put together and broke down systems in the past I don’t know how much experience you had with animals reaching maturity. Just saying.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:48, topic:3291”]
Jeff when have you had a tank running for more than 8 months? As frequently as you put together and broke down systems in the past I don’t know how much experience you had with animals reaching maturity. Just saying. [/quote]
Play nice, Jonny. Everyone here is entitled to give and/or take advice as they see fit. Commenting on the advice is occasionally warranted, commenting in a negative tone, not so much. Just saying.
I’m just saying how much long term hands on experience do you have to say they will never grow mean or ugly? Honestly how long did you have those damsels in that tank? Not trying to get ugly just asking questions like I was raised to do. Nothing in this hobby is simple and if it seems like it is simple then you are not asking the right questions.
Everyone is entitled to share their experience, but few will fess up to how much experience they really have. Any short and to the point post sounds like it is spoken in a confident tone and as if something is fact when it may be an opinion formed on very little information.
I just birthed a small whale in my bath tub what do I do???
Oh yea, not supposed to drink n post! BoNg BoNg BoNg
[quote=“Gordonious, post:50, topic:3291”]
Not trying to get ugly just asking questions like I was raised to do. Nothing in this hobby is simple and if it seems like it is simple then you are not asking the right questions. [/quote]
I hear what you’re saying, and am not in disagreement. Just trying to keep that “extra-positive Jon” going! You know the one.
Jon, since when did breaking down and moving tanks mean I had to get rid of all my livestock? I’ve always had a tank running for the past 6-8 years. One of my first fish I had was a yellowtail damsel. After about 4-5 years, his colors are still the same and maybe grew a half an inch. If you have a point, that’s fine, but please make sure you make it next time. Your comment here was pointless and false, therefore I corrected you. I hate when people say things that aren’t true, you have a lot of knowledge about this hobby (in most aspects a lot more then me) so to read your inaccurate statement is shocking to me. There are many damsels who stay small and don’t turn ugly, probably just as many that do.