whats the difference between a sock full of carbon and a carbon reactor

well, which ones better and what are the big differences. im usin a sock w carbon now and its sitting in my hob. i use this 4 my 25 and 10. ha ha i was doin this yesterday :~S thanks brett

mainly flow

it’s difficult to achieve good and uniform flow through a sock just sitting somewhere. in a reactor, ALL the flow has to go through a chamber of media … tend to maximize water/media contact

bz i do something simular but i only use a small amount of carbon in a mesh bag and change it bi weekly. If you pack your sock or bag to tight the water cant travel through it to work properly. so only use small amounts and change every two weeks may be better than using large amount that is not bieng utilized and wasted

i use a iced tea scoop and mesure about 3 scoops. sometimes more sometimes less. i try to watch the water and see when it starts to get dull or has a tint to it.

mainly flow

it’s difficult to achieve good and uniform flow through a sock just sitting somewhere. in a reactor, ALL the flow has to go through a chamber of media … tend to maximize water/media contact


The reactors are much more efficient and allow you to use more media.

By actively moving water across the carbon you expose more water to the carbon. Carbon in a sock will have some water movement but will not be as effective. I have used a sock before but had it in front of a powerhead or on the outlet of the DT into the sump. Lots more water flow this way

lOl ok taken orders… lOl

Just keep an eye on things for “worping” warping.(I can’t spell) Bending with heat and humidity. Thin acrylic may not be the best choice, but it’s easy to come by, clear, and easy to work with. How about some 1/2" PVC laid across painted black?

Why are you removing the worms? They are eating garbage and keeping uneaten food from degrading and become waste. If there is not enough for them to eat their population will reduce.

1/8 inch plexi if fine. its all in how you glue it together. the tray sides act like the flanges on an I beam .

By now, you all have probably seen this:

[quote=“ronert, post:23, topic:874”]

[quote=“Gordonious, post:21, topic:874”]
I could do another one in a month or two. Perhaps some different corals like leathers? Really would like to video tape it this time though and post it on the site with an article. Or for a change I’m sure Ken would be willing to do an SPS fragging demo however most of of the new members really aren’t keeping too many SPS. [/quote]

Additionally, we could check around LFS to see if there would be a willing donor. I know of at least one reef club had their monthly meeting at a LFS. The LFS donated some of the coral to be fragged. The club got (at least some) free frags and the LFS got a slew of customers walking in the door. That usually means $$$ for the store. And since I was there, they got some of my $$$.[/quote]

Personally, I think this is a great idea to do @ a LFS. And, I think DPA would be the best choice of venue for this, as well, simply from a floor space perspective, if nothing else. I can’t envision Greenbank, Just Pets, or Pet Kare having the indoor space we’d need, if we did this in the winter.

Here are the benefits for the club:
(1) If we do it on a Saturday, we get exposure to whatever traffic is in/out of the LFS
(2) We could couple it with a concurrent membership booster drive - maybe even have advert sheets with a logo available :stuck_out_tongue:
(3) We could also couple this with a raffle for the AWI MiniMite - although we could ALSO save that raffle for the Sprung show
(4) We could approach the News Journal to cover it - might happen/might not, but we could pitch it based on how we aren’t “enemies” or “opponents” to the local fish stores, but rather we’re willing to team with them - especially “in these tough economic times”

And it would be nice if whatever LFS we did this at made a “here, frag this while you’re at it” donation, but really NOT necessary. I’m certain that donation would be made back in sales generated. They’re aleady being kind enough to let use dirty up their shop.
So if we don’t get a coral donation, no big deal, we go the donation-from-club members route, and if that doesn’t get us enough for a demo, we could dip into the funds on hand to purchase some. That money would likely be made back (at least somewhat) in a frag raffle.


This is a great idea. I know I have spoken to Charlie before and he is very willing to host a meeting in the store, we just have to ask him.

Even if he does not donate something for us to frag, his prices are decent enough we should be able to buy a nice piece of something with club funds and chop it up, I’m sure we’d make it back in raffle revenue.

I’m all for it. I can talk to Charlie again tomorrow if Craig hasn’t already.(I usually don’t go to the store on my days off.) Particular date we want to shoot for? I was about to suggest the 20th, but it looks like if we choose that date I’ll be out. My family will be celebrating Christmas on that day.

[quote=“a1amap, post:6, topic:906”]
By actively moving water across the carbon you expose more water to the carbon. Carbon in a sock will have some water movement but will not be as effective. I have used a sock before but had it in front of a power head or on the outlet of the DT into the sump. Lots more water flow this way[/quote]

Done this before on some of my frag tanks since they don’t have sumps or hob filters or really anything besides a power head and a heater. Just pop it a bag full of carbon hanging from a light fixture in front of the power head. Probably was I kept trying to move the light fixture forgetting the bags were dangling from it.

Maybe we could arrange this for another month (like january) so that we have plenty of time to announce it? I think this could be a really good event, but if we rush it into all this month I think that we wont get the exposure we want. Plus, that close to x-mas time members may be a little busy, not to mention strapped for cash at the raffle/auction.

I was thinking the same thing. If we announce it before Christmas we could use any gift cards for DPA we might receive. GFs and wives might not know what fishy stuff works, but a gift card always works.

We’ll have to plan out what sort of corals we want to frag ahead of time. I’m fine with just about any LPS or softies, montis, acros… I most likely won’t be fragging any acros from work though as they are either going to be expensive aquacultured ones or wild caughts which probably won’t survive being imported much less being fragged. Anything you guys want fragged you could bring in? I’m over Andy’s house a couple of times a month cutting things up.

I agree. Waiting until January is probably better. We already have a meeting scheduled for Dec. 15th, trying to do another that following Saturday would just result in really poor turn-out.

I have not spoken to Charlie about this event speciffically yet, and prob. will not get a chance to until this weekend at the earliest, so Jon, please feel free.

January, February would work. but what the heck is an AWI MINIMITE? I cant keep up with all this new stuff.

i dont have much to frag right now. But i can frag any branching acro donations. I think. its just snap and glue, like i have demo’ed at a few meetings already. the rest is just art.

AWI MiniMite - Air Water Ice MiniMigte The RO unit that was donated the club from the company Air Water ICE. I had to read it a couple times to figure it out to.

Oh! Nice one for nano reefers!!