Whats this?

Found this growing on some rubble rock in fuge looks likke a sponge but not really shure maybe someone can confirm?

I would have to agree,it does look like a sponge of some sort.I have them all over the place in my tank

That looks like a yellow sponge to me. I have them in my tank as well. Mainly near dark areas.

+1 on the sponge. I have them in different sizes and colors. Never seen any problem with them.

thats cool never noticed it before. Ialso have some sort of clam or muscle right next to him under the rock in complete darkness cant really see it well enough to id it looks like its fine with no light but was thinking it might need some guess Ill just keep an eye on it

I also have a few small clams,they seem to do fine in the dark,if they don’t like there location they will move

It is a sponge. It kind of looks like what I thought was an egg sac looks like the real color on your camera showed more yellow then the true color. We had a thread on this recently.