Whats your take on the Outer Orbit hqi +t5 fixtures?

I am looking into buying a light for the 75 gallon tank and came across a Current USA Outer Orbit hqi setup
with 2x 250w hqi halides and 4 t5 54w actinics and 9blue+9white lunar leds.
Would this be over kill or just right for SPS and not using a chiller?

Personally i think you should really reconsider buying metal halides. MH are outdated, inefficient, and just arent a good investment IMO. I know we had to pretty much give ours a way when we recently sold them! T5’s are still a good solution and can grow SPS just fine without a chiller and cost a lot less than MH to run.

I agree with Court - even after buying her used MH fixture.

I wouldn’t buy a new one. If I were buying new I’d stick with T5s or LEDs.

But I do LOVE my MH. (2x250w over a 75)

Agree. If you can get one as nice as Craig did for as cheap as he did then its an easy decision. I guess i was thinking you were considering buying a new one. I personally wouldnt invest money in a new one but i bet there are a ton of used ones to be got cheap.

Would $350 be a reasonable price for this unit? It would be used and shipped for that. This unit used to sell for $874 new. I look at a few things when looking at lighting as many others.

1- MH is proven technology the only issue really is the heat and amount of electricity they use and this system uses 716watts. Cost to replace MH I have heard of many guys just buying the cheap bulbs off ebay, then 80$ for the t5’s and $40+ depending on the MH bulbs I use. This is would a good route for clams and all the sps I want to do and have started to do.

2- t5 are also proven I would prob look at a 6-8 bulbs system lower wattage no shimmer, $120-160 in bulb replacements and about 432watts. I would prob go with 8 bulb more then the 6 since I am also doing clams now and a lot of sps.

3- Led is still a bit to new for me to venture into as much as I would love to. But the fact of all these HI leds are not always perfect. Look at these newer cars that use the same type of led’s and even a 1 year old car sometimes will have burned out Led’s. They only have a few years or so in the actual aquarium which is not enough to say that $1200 is all that’s needed for the whole investment. A bulb burns out who offers the pucks individualy for the sols? How much are they we know if we look online for 3led 3watt each pucks can cost 20+ each. so all I might be saving is a few bucks on my electricity a month since they are still drawing around 200w.

When the long term results are out then maybe but for now I think going with something that has been used for so many years and still is used with such good results is a way to go. and initial cost is a issue. I would rather spend $500 now and be happy then to spend $1200 and be pissed off later or happy depending how it works out. If I want to upgrade the option is always there I could always sell the unit I buy to recover money since it is already used.

Wow I think I have typed way to much for most to even want to read but I am up for all options. Right now I am debating on this particular unit since the price seems about right and it has everything I want. Also comes with hanging kit. I have 2’ clearance from top of tank to my beam in the basement.

i think some of your information about LEDs is inaccurate or at least maybe not current or complete. you can get into the highest quality LEDs for a fraction of the cost you think and i think they are far from being unproven. i just think buying metal halides is kind of like buying a Hummer ;D

Good point Ponnies, but there is to many mixed reviews at this point for me to go gung ho as much as I would prefer LED. I can always upgrade later also. I will continue to read up on the led’s I think they will eventually take over all other lighting.

[quote=“ponies999, post:6, topic:3951”]
i just think buying metal halides is kind of like buying a Hummer ;D[/quote]

MH last 6 months a hummer only last … nevermind ;D

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:8, topic:3951”]

[quote=“ponies999, post:6, topic:3951”]
i just think buying metal halides is kind of like buying a Hummer ;D[/quote]

MH last 6 months a hummer only last … nevermind ;D[/quote]


There isn’t much contention on the validity of reef applications for LED lights. Look at the frequency of the radiation emitted. The efficiency is unparalleled; many commercial greenhouses are switching to LED technology.