WOW!You make the call

I am posting this thread not to offend anyone or take any side. I just think some people would find this an interestng read. And can see how it can get totally out of control, until it has to be stopped. And if the officers of our club think that this is inappropriate for veiwing on our club site, please remove.

Makes me glad I’m nt a moderator over there … oh wait … ::hitsthefan::

Yeah, things can sometime get ridiculous. >LOCO<


Nothing like a good old fashioned dog pile. slap-stick slap-stick >:::

As nither posted the emails and instead just paraphrased or pasted what they wanted I say both sides made statements they did not want seen.

WOW!!! how ridiculousness was that thread.

The sad thing is I think I just wasted about 30 minutes or so of my life reading that.

[quote=“JustSumGuy, post:8, topic:5123”]
The sad thing is I think I just wasted about 30 minutes or so of my life reading that.[/quote]

yeah, me too ::rofl::

Just your typical pee-ing contest, nuthin exciting…

like i always say…

“there’s two sides to every story… and there’s the truth”

The sad part is that site does have some good pricing on a lot of there stuff.

amazing how much nonsense went down in about 22 hours

Thank you for sharing.

I read a bit. The “retailer” need to realize there is a reason he can sell corals for more then he pays for them(from a wholesaler). He is supposed to have customer service. Bad wholesaler companys will fill orders with crap if they run out of things or just not fill your order. Retail is supposed to be a completely different story. He can think these things, but in my opinion shouldn’t jump on a forum(of all places) and rant about his troubles.

I don’t believe it was a wise move posting under a business name like that and getting into an argument with someone publicly.

wow that was a good one i agree with both at the beginning, but to rant and say things like that, a business should never do that.

What? what happened? I just woke up from a weeks worth of cold or flu…

[quote=“dunk, post:13, topic:5123”]
wow that was a good one i agree with both at the beginning, but to rant and say things like that, a business should never do that.[/quote]

I agree whole-heartedly. Part of owning and operating a business is rolling with the punches. You win some and you lose some, but in the end, the customer is always right because ultimately your reputation depends on customer satisfaction. From the aspect of someone who owns their own personal business, taking a $15 dollar hit to make a satisfied and possibly returning customer who would spread good word is well worth the sacrifice. I look at it as another advertising opportunity. Instead this guy just dumped all over his own reputation by showing how hot-headed he can not only to this customer, but then again ALL OVER A PUBLIC FORUM. I don’t care how good his prices and/or products are. Taking the chance of dealing with that is not worth it to me one bit. That being said, I don’t wish ill will to any small business owner, which this seems to be, so good luck to him and his recovery. ha

talk about “a salty bunch” ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl::


This has been bugging me the more i think about it…

what a jack ass though, over $15 bucks (and how much really out of the guys pocket) …
But really, it was a prize on a forum… people are there because they like to talk… and you know damn well their def gonna brag talk about the prize they just got in the mail…

example… I still can’t get over a prize i won in the summer… it was a 2 1/2’’ maxima clam. 3 days later it was shipped to me, along with a FREE 5’’ hippo clam, and a Free 2’’ maxima, and a FREE 1 1/2 ‘’ ultra maxima… I couldnt sing theirs praises enough, posted pics galore too.

I don’t order much online, but unfortunately i’ll remember this, and not in a good way for the retailer in question.
Stupid stupid stupid… tight wads ,low ballers, and penny pinchers tick everyone off sometimes (not sure if the customer was even guilty of that) but really, control yourself for your businesses name sake.

And the guy cracks me up with his " there’s no such thing as bad publicity attitude"
this ain’t hollywood buddy, you’re no charlie sheen ::rofl::

[quote=“saltcreep, post:16, topic:5123”]
you’re no charlie sheen ::rofl::[/quote]

::rofl:: ::rofl::

First let me state there are two side to every story and somewhere in the middle lies what really happened. I don’t know how many of you deal with the public as clients everyday but after 16 years of doing it in my own business I have found that some people,even if I fired the tech,the service manager(me) ,doubled their money back and burned the building down they still would not be happy. There are some clients you have to fire. Some clients I have had the pleasure of having the local police department remove forcibly and others have taken the hint. ALthough a few do comeback after awhile sometimes with a new attitude most times not. Currently dealing with a client who was sent here by an extended warraty company. Vehicle needs a new engine,engine was produced only 2 years 2000 and 2001 salvage engines are hard to come by, All we have found is ones with over 125k miles with no guarantee on the timing chains making noise.(this is what caused the problem) Warranty company is only interested in making end of cotract 4/8/2012. Client claims to have no money to pay. Cost to repair properly with 3 year 100k parts and labor warranty is 6k. Client gets angry and begins to yell and scream we have to help him out to the point people passing by are staring(not good for business). I make the client comeback inside he continues to rant and rave about me being a thief. I remind him I did not build,buy or break your vehicle, I did nto sell you your piece of crap warranty that is going to refund his money and cancel the contract(everyone with these warranties take out the contract and read all the fine print they can and will do this). Does anyone think I should replace his engine at no cost because he was yelling at me. I do not because all the people he will bad mouth me to are just like him loud mouth bullies. OH and the client was at Harrahs casino last saturday but has no money.