
been getting scared of pests such as red bugs and aefw so i have been reading up on wrasses and a few eat these pests along with pyr snails. two are. Halichores iridis or radiant wrasse. and halichoeres cosmetus or orange striped wrasse, any one have any experience or any other types of wrasses to serve this purpose

I have a 6 line wrasse, great little worker.

yeah i heard the 4-6-8 lines will do it too but they get mean, is that true

Melanurus Wrasse will eat aefw. Red bugs use dog heart worm meds

i don’t have them but want to take precautions just in case, i dip all corals before adding them. i need a hospital/quarantine tank soon

[quote=“dunk, post:5, topic:4583”]
i don’t have them but want to take precautions just in case, i dip all corals before adding them. i need a hospital/quarantine tank soon[/quote]
here’s a lowdown onpyrams, partially: i doubt a dip cn deal w/pyrams, especially since i know you do not dip clams.
sixlines, melanarus, in fact all wrasses are only minimally effective against pyrams since the bstrds are out at night and wrasses are asleeep. about corals, i leave that to experts

No I dip corals not clams. But I have heard they eat them but the night thing is true didn’t think of that. The wrass will probably eat all my baby snails too but they don’t grow up anyway