WTB: 15g "designer" aquarium.

Hello, I was wondering if anyone had one of these laying around. They dont make them anymore that I am aware of, but after seeing one in person I really love the size and I am kicking myself for not picking it up. Just so there is no confusion, the tank that I am talking about has the dimensions of 12"w, 12"l, 24"height. If someone has one laying around I would be more than happy to pay you for it, or we could work out a swap for some frags, whatever is better for you.


i dont know if this is what ur looking for but bill at greenbank has a 16 high, its higher than a 20 gallon high by about 4 inches so its 24 high i believe. i

Keleigh has one of the 16 highs, but that isn’t what I am looking for. The ones I am looking for are a “cube” shape, but twice as tall as they are wide or long.

found them on the aga website. 13 5/8 x 13 5/8 x 25. but not listed on the products page, just the "sizes page. i looked everywhere. even ebayed it… nothing. sry

Hey bellamy check out this tank its pretty awesome http://www.reefaquariumforum.com/post36010.html#p36010
I know its not what your looking for but its still really cool I had to share.

Try these Glass Cages | Custom Aquariums and Tanks

I am trying to stay away from acrylic. I dont want to worry about scratches every time I clean it. And they dont make that size in glass… I already checked. I could probably ask them to make one special, but I would rather find a used one around here or just make it myself.

23 Square (Rimless) glass 18 x 18 x 16 Tall $133

They also do Custom - Customizations

* Tank Sizes At our discretion tank sizes can be customized to your needs.
* Overflows We have many types of overflows available that can be added to any aquarium. Please refer to the Overflows category on the left.

Ehh, for the price they want for their custom tanks I can just make it my self.