I guess I better start saving up if I want to buy this tank come May …
I’m actually torn with what to do with it. People tell me there is too many holes in the bottom of the tank, so I don’t know. Save up for it? Nah, I’m sure you could afford it no problem, now taking care of it though? I don’t know lOl
[quote=“ronert, post:21, topic:950”]
I guess I better start saving up if I want to buy this tank come May … :P[/quote]
You know, Ted won’t post for two weeks, then just when you think it’s safe to go back in the water… :~S
Funny shiza!
Well I got a 50# bag of Mag pellets (Dead Sea) from Sears if anyone needs any, let me know.
Don’t know if they fixed it but I got the 50# bag for $7.99 because it was setup in their system 12" x 3’ lattice. I think it’s normally $19.99. Either way it looks like 250 grams of the mag flake will get me where I need to be in terms of magnesium so this 50# bag will go a LONG way.
Don’t forget the Epsom Salts. And the RO …
I definitely need the RO but aren’t the Epsom Salts just another source of mag?
And again, two weeks later his posts still aren’t useful maybe one of these days! verdict_in
[quote=“IanH, post:24, topic:950”]
Don’t know if they fixed it but I got the 50# bag for $7.99 because it was setup in their system 12" x 3’ lattice. I think it’s normally $19.99. [/quote]
And you only bought 1??? verdict_in
I’d have stocked up and would be selling it on RC in July for $30 a bag.
[quote=“Cdangel0, post:28, topic:950”]
And you only bought 1??? verdict_in
I’d have stocked up and would be selling it on RC in July for $30 a bag.[/quote]
You poor, poor college student …
per the Randy Farley DIY Recipe, the reason for mixing mag pellets with epsom salt is to maintain the ratio of sulfates to chlorides in the tank water. He hypothesizes that tilting the balance might be bad in the long run.
does the bag match the picture of mag flake in the article. if so it’s the good stuff. the bag changed slightly from the flake to the pellets. but just about the same.
sears has another brand of mag chloride in jugs and buckets inside. but i havent heard any info on the purity of that stuff, good or bad. so i wouldnt use those.
Well added some to the tank tonight, we’ll see if everything kicks it.
Bag looks similar, except it’s pellets not flake. Main ingredient is still the magnesium chloride hexahydrate. It’s the Mag pellets made by dead sea.
I’ll get some Epsom Salts to balance out the chlorides as I also add (or have been) adding calcium chloride (which has a little mag chloride and stronium chloride (?) in it as well).
Yea, I didn’t realize until I was at the register and the guy was like ‘hey thats not lattice’ and i was like ‘yup’. So I didn’t think running back and grabbing a few more bags would have been an option. But go and check!
too whoever buys a big bag and wants to sell a 1/2 gallon freezer bag full let me know. i am willing to try this out but only to sample it before i buy a huge amount. been reading on subject and want to try it and see if there is a great improvemnet in tank
I can bring a couple little baggies to the next meeting.
WooHoo 1320 mag, 500+ Ca, 12-14 dKH
ok thanks i will bring ya something for it.
Alk is still a little high, but it shouldnt hurt anything.
Getting it there was the easy part, now you get to try to maintain it without any significant swings!
yup, the little bit of MgCl and SrCl listed on the calcium chloride bag is just a trace impurity from the manufacturing process. a little bonus that comes along for the ride. Kent advertises their kalwaser Plus as having it, just because they cant keep it out. but its good for the tank. only like 1 % or less.
3 easy steps to a Caribbean Getaway
Step 1. Check out our site and load your tank up with our fabulous Ricordea florida, Caribbean Rhodactis, and Photosynthetic Caribbean Gorgonians.
Step 2. Prepare yourself a tall, cool, refreshing, tropical drink.
Step 3. Pull your recliner in front of your tank and enjoy a Caribbean Getaway.
Caribbean Rhodactis
Ricordea florida
Its 5 O’clock somewhere