WTB Blue or purple mushrooms

Hello everyone! Long time no post! Still lurking occasionally though.
Anywho, I will be at the swap this weekend and was wondering if anyone had blue or purple shrooms they might be willing to sell?
They used to be everywhere back in the day, but i cant seem to find them at any LFSs

I have like 4 in my tank but they dont seem to drop babies just get bigger.

If they do drop any babies i can try to get one for you. They have been iny tank for years though. All my other shrooms drop babies all the time.

I have some purple Ricordea Yumas if you are interested

They are multicolored purple in the base, blue bubbles and green around the edges

Pretty sweet shrooms, wish I could get a better picture



Oh, I actually have some purple discomas with a blue iridescence to them also

Hi donavon, i think the discomas are what im looking mostly for. Those yumas are pretty cool though!

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I have one big one (1.5-2”)and one baby one (.75”)

I’ll chip them off and bring to them Saturday if you want

That would be awsome! Would you like a trade or cash for them?

If you have something to trade that is fine. If not I don’t need any cash

@firecrackerbob did you get a blue mushroom? I have a loose one that my big momma dropped. It is in a basket as of now with some rubble trying to get it to attach. Let me know if you are interested.

@Donavon did firecrackerbob ever get the blue shroom from you?

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He did, but he may want yours too

I’m not sure if the ones I have get as big and juicy as yours do

These are the ones i have 1 of to rehome.

Hi fishface, sorry for a late reply! I did get one from Donavon, but i would love more! I used to have a huge rock of them back in the day.
Where are you located?

Bear De near fox run.

I am going to offer the shroom to others who have asked me about it since I have not heard back from you.

Uh, ok… I have been traveling and helping a family member with alzhimers this past week. Was gonna see if you were around this weekend, but thats fine.

You are welcome to it I just havent heard back from you at all after you asked my location.

Thats ok. I am still dealing with some family obligations. Not sure when i will get over that way and you seem to need it gone. Feel free to pass it along to others.