I am looking to get into chalices and was wondering if anybody had a cheap chalice frag they are looking to get rid of. I would prefer to to keep it in the $20-30 range. I just want this too be a beginner chalice, and it does not need to be flashy.
I’m not massivly familiar with these corals, but I believe most Charlices probalby have similar temperments. If you mean you want a beginner as in you just want something cheap so it’s a finacial agreement thats one thing, but I don’t think you’ll fine one that is dramaticly easier to keep. Again someone corruct me if I’m wrong and I may be in this case.
I don’t have any at home, but hopefully with in the next two months I’ll be trimming the ones in Armco Aquatic’s display tank. I’ll keep you in mind when the time comes and let you know first just incase you haven’t come across one. I have no idea what the price will be, but typically these corals are not cheap. I’d have to look into it more.
Yeah I realize that they are not cheap. I just want one that is not as flashy (I.E. not as much) so I can know if my system is can handle them. I don’t want to go out and buy a $100 chalice and then have it die on me. I just want to start cheap and go from there. I did not take this approach with SPS and now I wish I had.
If I do not find one by the time you trim one of Armco’s I will gladly take a frag.
ravensfan that is what i have done since i got into saltwater reef tank. i always buy a few less expensive frags. i have only bought 3 full colony type corals all others were frags from others or lfs’s. i am just the kind that likes to watch the growth of a frag into a large specimen.
I think watching the coral is a lot better than buying a whole colony too.
You’ll be the first one on the list. I believe we have both a red and a blue that will under go a little bit of trimming.
reefcentral has some fs at between $250 and $320!! sound tempting??LOL
jeez.somehow that is a bit pricey. the frags cover about 1/2 a plug. fishbowl had a 90 gal with stand and sump for $350, just as a comparison to one small chalice frag.