WTB Dead Rock/Live Rock

Hey guys, in the process of setting up my new sump for my 55 and the sump for the 75 which will come later…

I need live rock! Where is a good place to get dead rock that I can turn into LR? A lot is going to go into the sump for the 75 which is probably a few months from being ready so it will have plenty of time to grow.

I won a box of marco rocks rubble a while ago, and I have to say I was very impressed. Good stuff…

Marco rocks? I’ll check it out, thanks

i have some live rock if you are lookinf for some big and small peices. and some base rock that has coraline on it as well let me know what you need.
i have pics as well. chris 443 309 1900 cell or christophersj40@yahoo.com

nice meeting you Ian good luck and i will keep my eyes open for that flat piece.

Nice meeting you as well Chris, thanks for the hookup on some great pieces of rock!

how much for base rock a premium?? where else is it cheap

Didn’t want to come out originally and start posting that we had it, but we have a little bit left at $1.79 per/lb. If one of you sweeps in and clears us out we’ll have more within the next 8-9 days.


Couldn’t find it through the two top online stores. They may have it, but since their search engines suck and it would be pointless to call their coustmer service I gave up. If anyone else wants to spend 30 minutes to save 3 cents a pound have fun. :wink:

what store?

The past few times I’ve been through DPA there wasn’t much choice for rock and it was always that super dense non porous type of rock. Did you guys get some new stuff? Let me know.

Also buying live rock gets you added filtration immediately, instead of waiting for it grow, as well as might bring in different bacterias, correct? I wouldn’t mind some new critters, I hadn’t seen any worms in my sand yet, but I saw one fall off of a rock I put in. Hopefully that little fellow will start himself a nice population down there.

Topic split

Didn’t want someone in the future to read this and think I never responded. Topic was split, my response is on the other half.
