OK my 10 yr came to me and said he wanted a fish tank in his room. I asked him what kind and he said saltwater. Then after he thought about it he came back to me and said he changed his mind he wanted a freshwater tank. He said the saltwater was too much work with all the testing and nitrate problems and he didnt think he was ready for a saltwater tank(although I am sure I will be the one taking care of it). lOl
So with that said I am looking for a tank for his room. Looking for either a 20 gal high or a 29 gal.
Sorry Mom (Karen)! I’ve just setup a 29 Bio cube for my 4 yr because she wanted a pair of Nemo’s! And she tells me “Daddy” don’t sell the clownfish…LOL justs added a few BTA, cleaner shrimp, some snails and a six-line wrasse hopefully to get rid of a few worms I see in the tank. Look forward to see your new setup!
[quote=“CoralsMania, post:11, topic:7027”]
Sorry Mom (Karen)! I’ve just setup a 29 Bio cube for my 4 yr because she wanted a pair of Nemo’s! And she tells me “Daddy” don’t sell the clownfish…LOL justs added a few BTA, cleaner shrimp, some snails and a six-line wrasse hopefully to get rid of a few worms I see in the tank. Look forward to see your new setup![/quote]
No worries!!! My son wants mollies and guppies! He said in two years he will have experience and then wants to switch it over to saltwater!! lOl Says the saltwater is too much work for him he doesnt have enough experience! Crazy kid has it all planned out.
I’d have to dig through some closets, crawl spaces, and boxes to see what I have. I used it as a sump, but I can be almost certain I have an HOB filter somewhere, probably a flourecent strip light too, maybe even a canister filter.
I’ll take a look and see what I can find for you.
I can put together a complete 29. Tank stand and everything to start it. Make an offer. Will need to see what type of equipment I have to give you details.