Looking for Acros, Branching Monties, Plating Monties, Birdsnest
Looking to pick up at last meeting before summer break (Next Monday 5/16)
Looking for Acros, Branching Monties, Plating Monties, Birdsnest
Looking to pick up at last meeting before summer break (Next Monday 5/16)
I have purple, red and green with purple rim montis, Orange branching monti and an assortment of acros.
I still have these on my thread. If you wanted LMK
[quote=“alemab3, post:2, topic:4242”]
I have purple, red and green with purple rim montis, Orange branching monti and an assortment of acros.[/quote]
Do you have any Pics ? and prices ?
I have the red/ orangish salmon monti cap… whatever name it goes by lOl its a fast grower if its happy. I’ll break a piece off now so its healed by monday if you want… $5
[quote=“saltcreep, post:5, topic:4242”]
I have the red/ orangish salmon monti cap… whatever name it goes by lOl its a fast grower if its happy. I’ll break a piece off now so its healed by monday if you want… $5[/quote]
Sold, Thanks John
Here’s what your 5 spot is getting you lOl i guess its about 2’’ or so
And the mother colony…
Hudson I am horrible at pictures why don’t you stop by and see the colonies are you local?
I am in Newark, right across from Becks Pond.
I’d love to stop by and check out your tank.
I can normally get out between noon and 2:00 for a long lunch
and most nights after 6:00 except Mondays and Wed.