Wtb frags

Looking for some ora, colorful high quality corals anyone have any or suggestions where to go

There is someone in the reef club with some beautiful corals filling his tank that keeps complaining he has no space and needs to get rid of some corals, but he only sells to Delaware’s Premium Aquatics and won’t sell to other people in the reef club…

Have you been to Mike’s ASR up in PA? Been into Premium Aquatics recently?

Yea, I don’t know why that someone would not advertise to sell some to club members. I sure would like some too. Especially that pearlberry acro!

DPA had a bad coral crash when I was in a few days ago, they lost A LOT of nice SPS. :-(" :-(" :-("

I’m sure that someone will help them restock again.

I hear someone has been working on it testing the waters with new frags of sorts at dpa. Cause unknown. dunk has already paid a visit to the secret stash for a covert purchase. i think he left a
trail of bread crumbs. I heard the poor guy doesnt even have a camera. go figure?

lol i have been there already good stuff too but i want more verdict_in