WTB Frogspawn/torch/hammer frags

Does anyone have a frag of any of the listed corals?

I’m located in Newark, DE

I could make you a frag of any of those, I have 2 frogspawn colors and 1 hammer. I am in Wilmington.

Do you have any torch coral

If you’re piggy backing on the thread, I think hondacbrs tank crashed unfortunately.

Yeah his sump cracked and he broke down the tank a little while ago

The treasure of the reef club has a 200?gallon tank filled to the rim with green Euphyllia that is overgrowing itself. He shows up on the forum once every two years, but if you get a hold of KaptKen he may be able ask him to bring some to the first meeting of the year.

I sent Marty an email with this post link a couple days ago. dont know i he has time to log on. He has a 125 about 75% wall to wall frog spawn. I just saw it last week when i dropped by for some club business. and he would like to part with some. its just hard getting him on the forum.

I’m in if you ever get in touch with him Ken! :slight_smile:

If you can find out how much he wants I may be in for a few heads.

OOH a couple guys interested. I’ll give marty a call tomorrow for you. He really needs to thin it out. Its all over the place like an umbrella.

I may be interested too. My stuff is slow growing

Thanks ken.

Hey ken any update on the frags from Marty?

uhh nothing. havent called. i need to go take him the clubs approved cafeteria rental request. i’ll check with him. sorry, been busy cutting trees,
I’m a lumber jack and I’m OK…

i’ll give him a ding. again. i emailed him that a bunch of guys and DPA are interested in some frogspawn frags. but havent heard anything yet. only a couple weeks till the first fall meeting. for sure we can get him to bring some then. he lives 2 blocks from the school.