wtb live rock

well seeing as though i have the 90 up and running i wouldlike to buy some liverock sometime not right away but within the next week or so if anyone has any forsale just let me know how many pounds and how much your askin!

i found some rock for sale PoM and its in dover…on craigslist…the person is trying to get $3.50 a pound…
i offered $3 a pound if i bought 20 lbs…For the whole reef set up the person wants $400…

Its a 56 gal. corner tank…with some other odds and ends…fish, corals, k4, ect…

if we could get some more people interested maybe we can just group purchase the entire set up…and divide up want we want…

fyi…they said theres about 100lbs of rock…

this is the address that was left of craigslist…i searched fish tanks…youll see it


if anyones interested in anything they’re selling lets see if we can get a bulk discount…

Lol I know the guy :P. Some guy is gonna buy it all this weekend probably… If not It’s mine! LOL he owes me a lot of $$. If he sells/pays me off with it I’d go 2.50 a lb cuz really the lighter rock is the best. Am I right?

i’ll take about 20 lbs of that, ry

That’s quality rock in that tank. Well, some of it…

if it ends up in your hands, please let us know… abcd

lol you would know Joe most of it is yours! He is trying to get her to wait for a better deal than paying me off…
SO might be a few more days before I get it. :.(

i would maybe want some of corals if any …let me know