WTB mp10/40

Hey guys, Just testing the waters and seeing of anyone has an extra one laying around, looking for (as title says) mp10 or 40. LMK if you know if you have any or know someone who has one.


always some coming up on reefcentral, but they get sold really fast, many times within a few minutes. i got lucky twice, but was constantly looking for about a week.

thanks moliken, Im leaning more towards a 10 because if price but i dont have enough post to look in their sell thread haha.

has one for $300

Im gonna try looking for an mp10 lol. I wish i had jumped on ellens for 100… verdict_in

[quote=“BigCase, post:5, topic:4009”]
Im gonna try looking for an mp10 lol. I wish i had jumped on ellens for 100… verdict_in[/quote]
yeah, so do i, i’d love a 10 to go along w/the 40, but i think craig stole them from us, bstrd!

Haha def. Maybe he will see this post and offer to let some go. Lol. I got ellens rimless and I now have 2 tunze 6025 but wanna try out a 10 they are pretty sweet

I am also in the market for a mp40. I do not have any powerheads for the new setup yet which I hope to have up and running within another week after I get my back ordered sand and RODI unit.