I’m starting to move out a bunch of my coral, esp softies to make room for my real passion, SPS specifically Acro’s.
I’m looking for small to medium frags of nice color. Even if the piece is brown, under my new LEDs it turns into a GEM. I’m on the fence when it comes to my “pickyness”… So I’m pretty open-minded.
I prefer trade, but I’ll entertain all offers. I have quite a few really nice Chalices, a few are from Jason Fox.
Here’s a quick list of what’s up FS/FT:
Purple Addiction Chalices (2) (Terrible iPhone pics, so sorry)
Flouro Strawberry Fields Chalice frags (cut to order)
Cadmium Pocci (1) (no picture yet)
Galexea Horrescens (1, nice size)
Pinstripe Mushroom w/ daughter shroom (1) (No picture yet)
Pink Eagle Eye Zoas (3 ~ 10 heads each)
“Acan Rock” (A piece of live rock with 2 bright red Acans attached. The Acans are currently reproducing (2 main heads, 4-5 “baby” heads.)
Any questions, please PM. Thank you for any interest in my coral!
Best Wishes DRC!
Missing pictures will either be added or available upon request.