WTB Peppermint Shrimp or two

Anyone have a peppermint shrimp or two in your tank that you don’t want anymore? I’d like to avoid a 76 day quarantine period if I can :slight_smile:

Pencil erchin…

What would that do? lOl

Bulldoze stuff

Haha. I’m trying to kill aiptasia. Not screw up my aquascape.

Nudis didnt finish them off?

Not even close. I think I’m going to get a matted filefish.

I recently tried adding nudis to my tank to get rid of those pests. Didn’t notice anything happening and then bought 4 peppermint shrimps from PEA, and now I see some of the aptasia disappearing. Noticed a really big one gone the other day. GolfC

Natural eradication…priceless. PBJ!

I’m pretty annoyed about the nudis. $250 and they did squat.