I’m looking for a deep pink or bright pink birdsnest. please let me know if you have any!!
i have a pink stylopora and birdnest but the birdnest is small
Nothing matches ORA’s normal old school pink birdsnest. Ask any reputable LFS to bring one in. I haven’t found anyone locally that has it. No one in the club that I know about.
Note there are a lot of names variants from ORA and others of birdsnest and I’ve seen most of them in person and none match ORAs in my opinion. Certainly one I would like to get again. I used to have it and it grew like a weed.
So the ORA one is simply called “ORA pink birdsnest”?
You got it. They have others, ORA Hyacinth Birdsnest, ORA Green Birdsnest, ORA Green Tip Orange Birdsnest, ORA Bird of Paradise, ORA Ponape Birdsnest… The ORA Green and ORA Pink are hard to beat as far as an active growing color popping coral.
They are a bit odd temperament wise. Seem to be able to tolerate fairly rough conditions, but perhaps it’s sharp swings in chemistry stuns them? Not sure hot to describe it. I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone actively making significant changes to their system, but if your set in your ways and have had Montipora and other hardier SPS they should do alright. Just seems to be with my limited experience with them anyways.
I believe the Seriatapora Hystrix is the hot pink variety.
That is probably the ORA variety Jon is refering to. and they are very bright in the right conditions.
Snupa, you welcome to stop by and pickup a frag of ORA pink birdsnest.
reading one of those website I found this which I thought was pretty interesting!
" The Bird’s Nest Coral Seriatopora hystrix is not only very attractive, but in nature it also becomes the permanent residence of small crabs. Several species of crabs can modify the shape of the species in the Seriatopora genus and some other types of corals.
A gall-forming crab called Hapalocarcinus marsupialis is one factor in the growth formation of the Seriatopora genus. The female crab will influence the growth of the thin branches to form a cage that permanently encloses her. The male crab, who is much smaller, can enter into the cage and mate with her. Thus the female spends her entire life in a self-imposed “jail”, producing broods of larvae within her protective coral cage. "
Anyways thank you Rosti, please check your pm!
I also like the ORA green ones as well very pretty!
Ken you wouldn’t order a Montipora capriconis with out noting which color.
ORA Hyacinth Birdsnest is Seriatapora hystrix. ORA pink birdsnest is Seriatapora hystrix. Great to know scientific names however in this situation scientist classify them as the same animal.(at least last I checked these animals are reclassified all the time)
Note: I know many of the sites you used made the same mistake, but the first word of a scientific name(genus) is capitalized, the second word(species) should not be capitalized.
Rosti don’t happen to have more then one we could trade? I’ve been meaning to make a post on your thread and ask when you’re going to set up a frag tank so your tank doesn’t burst at the seems with coral and your fish don’t run out of swimming room.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:10, topic:4803”]
Ken you wouldn’t order a Montipora capriconis with out noting which color.
Rosti don’t happen to have more then one we could trade? I’ve been meaning to make a post on your thread and ask when you’re going to set up a frag tank so your tank doesn’t burst at the seems with coral and your fish don’t run out of swimming room. [/quote]
There is only one way to fix bursting problem, come over and I will cut large frag for you for free. ::
Right, the correct scientifc notation is “The Hot Pink One” !!!
Thanks for the corals Rosti! Awesome tank and great advice!!! I’m posting pictures once I get my camera in order. Thanks again!
I have a very bright pink birds nest you are welcome to stop by and look at it.