WTB protein skimmer

Looking for a nano tank protein skimmer, either in tank or HOB…

I would go with new on a nano skimmer. They are not to costly I think my skimmer thats good for up to 30gallons was $60 @ That Pet Place.
Works well for my 20gallon.

i had been using this one for a backup. works great, but might be a little tall for what you have. i had it on my 65 when i was using a crappy main skimmer. really surprised me at the gunk it pulls out. i now have a better main sk, so, bye bye. it needs a small pump, as i’m gonna use mine for circulation elsewhere. the only thing it needs besides a pump is a rubber o ring, but i used a simple rubber band for as long as i had it, about 6 months. $40

I have a extra Seaclone 100 Protein Skimmer I can sell ya.

PM sent billrob71

I have a sea clone with the needle wheel mod also have a E Shopps psk-75 brand new in the box its a great skimmer has a sedra pump

I’m also in the market for one. I’m about to build my first sump and I need one that will work with a 55 gal. tank. If one of you guys have one and are’nt to terribly far away maybe we could work something out. I’m down south near seaford but dont mind a bit of a ride.

tim, in the info on my sk, the aqua remora, it says for 20-75 gal, i used it on my 65, supplementing my crappy external that i sold. for its size, it’s a solid performer. cleaned it every week in about 5 mins, lotsa skim nog accumulates. the added benefit is that if you can put it near light, filtering algae forms on the lip, without any algae forming in the sk because light doesn’t penetrate. i’m in smyrna.

PM sent

[quote=“Tim, post:9, topic:4756”]
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i have no pm.

just tried again, maybe this time it worked:)