Looking for RBTA and GBTA if anyone have one or two for sale lmk thank

How large are you looking for? I have about 5 small clones that I need to get rid of. They are not colored brilliantly, but they are nice and pretty hard to kill. In other peoples tanks (Sneakypolock), they have changed the color quite a bit, so it may color up.

You can see clones on the clam here:

Here is another:

And another:

Hey Icy-

I’ll take one or two if you need to get rid of them. Both of mine crapped out on me recently.

Onyx - aren’t you getting out of the hobby? Does this mean you’re staying?

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:3, topic:1636”]
Hey Icy-

I’ll take one or two if you need to get rid of them. Both of mine crapped out on me recently.

Onyx - aren’t you getting out of the hobby? Does this mean you’re staying?[/quote]

I put up the tank for sale but no one buying it so decided to set it back up, hopefully I get it running by this week.

icy could i possibly get one of those?

[quote=“onyx09, post:4, topic:1636”]

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:3, topic:1636”]
Hey Icy-

I’ll take one or two if you need to get rid of them. Both of mine crapped out on me recently.

Onyx - aren’t you getting out of the hobby? Does this mean you’re staying?[/quote]

I put up the tank for sale but no one buying it so decided to set it back up, hopefully I get it running by this week.[/quote]

Please keep in mind that anemones generally do not do very well in newly established tanks. the genral rul of thumb is that an anemone should not be attempted in a tank less then 6 months old. Even if you’re using cured LR, LS and water from another system.

I had the same anemone for years, when I moved my tank from one set-up to another I lost both anemones within 6 months.

Another member tried to add a nem to a new tank that had cured LR, LS and was filled with water change water form his other DT and he determined the anemone was heading for the same fate as mine. Put it back in his bigger DT and it was fine.

Just a thought.

Since they are so small, I am probably going to ask 10$ each. I just have to get them off of the clam… If you guys want them then each of you can have one. I’ll try to bring them for the meeting.