WTB Reef Ready Tank

Looking for a 75G or 65G drilled tank. I have a 75 now and wish i had purchased a drilled tank. I am leaning towards a 65G due to the footprint of it, but considering other sizes as well. Just let me know what ya have, big or small. Thanks.

If you can’t get one RR and you can get an un-drill one, I can help you drill some holes if you want. Just as long as the bottom is not tempered or if you want it drain from the back or the side. Let me know.

[quote=“reefman66, post:2, topic:6957”]
If you can’t get one RR and you can get an un-drill one, I can help you drill some holes if you want. Just as long as the bottom is not tempered or if you want it drain from the back or the side. Let me know. [/quote]

Thanks a lot. I really wish I thought out things prior to my first time, but it’s been a learning experience. I think what I have decided is to go with a 65G that would best fit my needs for the room I have.

I have a 36x18 oceanic reef ready tank that needs re-sealed. Thick glass, no center brace. I’m pretty sure its 65g. If you might want it I will get all the particulars. If not no big deal.