wtb refractometer

anyone have one for sell? my hydrometer is giving me readings way off what they really are

I got mine on ebay recently. $26.50 ($18.50 plus $8 shipping) including shipping (it is new). FYI it said it was in the US but shipped from Hong Kong, I personally would not have bought it if I knew it was in Hong Kong (there is a reason I searched only in the US). I can give you the sellers name if interested. He has sold alot of them.

if ur looking on here, i guess your trying to aviod the stores, but when i was at DPA they had one for a reasonable price… i think it was like $40-45

what was the e-bay sellers name?


got an extra one for 35$. incl calibration fluid. pm me if intrstd. smyrna.

[quote=“MiniMomma, post:5, topic:1181”]

Yup. Hong Kong Fish Guy. This guy sells all sorts of knock-off fish items and they all ship from HK.

i saw his mh bulbs were like dirt cheap

It is very important to remember (especially in this hobby) that cheap is not always better.

Cheap lighting gets you cheap lighting, shorter bulb life, wrong spectrum, weird color etc.

Cheap refractometer gets you wrong salinity readings and dead fish

Cheap food gets you algae blooms and phosphate problems

Nothing wrong with Ebay or finding a deal - just be careful what you get a “deal” on.

Like I said, there was a reason I searched US only. Was not happy when came from Hong Kong. I also have (from homebrewing) a hydrometer (the floating glass thing) to check my calibration.

well craig with a refractometer what would i be looking for for how good it is? remeber im still a noob just trying to save every penny in his wallet:-p my paychecks arent lasting very long and soon im going 2 have to start robbing the wawa in order to keep up with cigs cuz im starting to be to broke to buy them! lol

Mine was really just a general warning. If you can find someone already using thew model you are looking at, get their opinion of it. I bought my refractometer from Ebay and I think I only spent $20-$25 on it after shipping.

Make sure it has ATC (automatic temeperature compensation) so you don’t have to wait for the water to get to roomt emp before getting an accurate reading. Test the calibration of any unit often when you first get it to ensure it can hold it’s calibration. Then just periodically check after that.

I’ve personally never seen a refract that was really cheaply made. The marine biology lab I used to work at had 7-8 different types and all of them worked fine as long as they were calibrated. The guy I worked for who hits up Washington for millions of dollars for top of the line equipment for tests(ph,temp,salinity probes left in the field to record for months, tracking devies input into fish, unmaned submarines, crazy wet labs with hypoxic and hyperoxic systems). When it came to refractometers he bought them… on ebay. As long as you don’t get a used one that is rusted up just get what ever you can and calibrate it. Just my two cents.

I still use the cheap plastic Aquarium Sytems fill and float guage. works fine.