wtb: return pump

anyone have a mag 5/7 or quietone 3000/4000 laying around?

Maybe an eheim 1262, but they’re pricey.

Looking for a pump around 900gpm or a pump around 600gpm.

hi, i just checked. i have an older but good RIO 2100 i bought from Nerak a few years back when she took down her 75. i used it for a while on a media filter. i just popped it open and found the ceramic shaft stuck inside the magnet impeller . its been sitting dry for a while. punched it out and soaking in vinegar now to get the calcium depostis off so it will spin free again. i’ll check it for flow in a while when its done fizzing. should be like new. looks like a new impeller. always ran nice for me.

the label says 2630 LPH or about 700 GPH. 37 watts.

yup. it cleaned up nicely and runs just fine now. would it work for you?

Please close this, foster and smith had a sale on quietone4000 so i just bought another.


I like Quiet Ones too, they are great pumps!