wtb rose anemone

Anybody have a rose anemone clone they want to sell?


You could try posting on fragswapper.com, or Craig@northern lights aquaculture ( who will be at our swap next month) … Or ask charlie at DPA to look out for ones on his order sheets.
good luck


I don’t remember seeing DPA carrying them in the past… I’m not in there every week though. The old Frazer Zoo now ASR gets them in pretty regularly and Pacific East Aquaculture has them from time to time. Call around a bit and I’m sure you’ll track one down.

I’ve had 3-4 people asking if mine has split yet, but no luck. It’s getting bigger and bigger, but no split.

I’ve had 3-4 people asking if mine has split yet, but no luck. It’s getting bigger and bigger, but no split. [/quote]

Need to borrow a rubberband?

Lol, nah, that is alright I have plenty of those.(though I may need to stock up on more and some bags before the frag swap coming up!) With this red beauty I am going to let it split on its own the first time. Besides I would prefer to keep one large one. Now that I have about 20 clones of GBTAs mixed in with my 4-5 species xennids(Xenia, Anthelia…) in the tank. The proppagation tank is prettier then many display’s I’ve seen.

Looking to acquire a couple more color variants of BTA.

Has anyone ever tried cutting BTA’s to propagate? I’ve seen a few youtube videos now where people took a razor blade and just sliced it in half through the mouth and foot in one stroke and in an hour they’d healed themselves up into two separate anenomes. Has anyone tried this with any success?

About 50 times with about 99% success rate.

A couple things to keep in mind:
Anemones are HORRIBLE shippers. I wouldn’t cut a new anemone or sell/trade soon after shipping.
Removing them from rock can seriously stress them, so if you have to battle to get it off a rock it may not be wise to cut them right away.
My success has always been with large healthy specimens which have been in very good conditions for many months before cutting.
Typically I don’t cut anemones that are on a rock, I run a blade through large ones that wonder up onto the glass. I don’t have to remove their footing, don’t lift them out of the water, and there conditions(chemistry, lighting, flow) don’t change at all.
Anemones often go wondering after cutting. In the tank I keep them in there is no SPS for them to harm, no open drain pipe fro them to get stuck in, and no way for them to get cut up further by a power head. If this is not the case with your tank monitor them carefully afterwards and realize the risk is always there.

Bubble tip anemones can prove to be very hardy when well adapted to your tank, but many knowledgeable LFS employees(sarcasm) may believe they are very difficult animals. Allow them time to recover before and after cutting and keep them in healthy conditions and propagating them can become very simple, easy, and rewarding.

I just uploaded an image of some of our anemones to our facebook page:

This RBTA was just recently introduced to the tank at the time this photo was taken. It is now 5-6 times that size with a lot more color in it.

None of the local stores have any.In my old tank my bubble tip split every few months and i would sell the clones.Its crazy that nobody has any clones.

I’m debating between a BTA and a sebae and this is something I wanted to consider before purchasing for future endeavors. Is it possible to propagate sebae anenomes in this way? From the readings I’ve found, people seem to say that it is only a technique to be tried with BTAs and not sebae as the BTAs are much hardier. Any thoughts? I ask because I have clowns and while i know clowns do sometimes host BTAs I know they LOVE sebaes.

[quote=“pumpdogs, post:10, topic:5036”]
None of the local stores have any.In my old tank my bubble tip split every few months and i would sell the clones.Its crazy that nobody has any clones.[/quote]

None? What do you consider local? ASR, one of DRC’s sponsors, had a RBTA in stock a couple days ago… Their phone number and address are the same as the old TFZ (Frazer Zoo).

I honestly don’t have any hands on experience with propagating Sebaes. I know Anthony Calfo has done many talks on different anemones and propagation perhaps googling around you’ll come across some YouTube videos or an article.

Where is the pld fraizer zoo?


As someone mentioned before there will be several people coming to the frag swap which may be able to bring a RBTA.(Since it is right around the corner now) Make some phone calls to Pacific East Aquaculture, ASR, DPA, and then make a post on fragswapper. I am sure you’ll be able to find one by the time the swap is here.