WTB: SPS Frags

I’m looking for a few frags to try my hand at the SPS game. Cheap is good :slight_smile:

Looking for:
Red planet
Green slimer

Whatcha got!?

I have those
Which stylo are you looking for?

Awesome! I don’t know what stylo :). What colors do you have?

Pink stylo and green poccilapora
Green birdsnest

Pink would work. :slight_smile:

I’ll get ya some pics

I vouch for all the sticks that Bill have. They are awesome!!! don’t know what mine looks like lately, but when I first got them they are nice looking.

Thanks A

Green slimmer
Red planet

Awesome! You have frags of all three?

Slimmer yes
The other 2 I can make frags of them , what size are you looking for?

I don’t know :slight_smile: I don’t know SPS or what these sell for. What’s a $10-15 frag of each look like?

1 inch frags are usually somewhere around $20-25

Alrighty… let’s start with one frag then and see if I can keep it alive :slight_smile:

How about the red planet?

Sure no problem
I can bring it to the meeting unless you would like it earlier


Thanks for the chunky frag, Bill! I forgot to ask, how much light was this under? Do I need to acclimate it to my LEDs?

Had those under metal halides
Would start off about middle of the tank and they may be fine there

Got it. Lots of polyp extension and the colors are already coming back. I have it about ~1/2 way down from the top of the water. I’d like to move it up higher, but I’ll give it a little while to acclimate. :slight_smile:

I think it is happy so far :slight_smile: