I want to add some random flow in my tank, I figure either a Vortech or Sea swirl should do the trick, anyone have anything for sale?
Massive difference between an MP60 and an MP10. What size tank are you looking for? What size return pump do you have and what is the head height? What is the size of the plumbing hooked up to your return pump?
If your running a nano an MP60 would blend your fish. If your running a 200gallon and MP10 wouldn’t help too much. Too many people on the forum any more for me to keep track. Random flow certainly helps with any marine aquarium.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:2, topic:5201”]
Massive difference between an MP60 and an MP10. What size tank are you looking for? What size return pump do you have and what is the head height? What is the size of the plumbing hooked up to your return pump?
If your running a nano an MP60 would blend your fish. If your running a 200gallon and MP10 wouldn’t help too much. Too many people on the forum any more for me to keep track. Random flow certainly helps with any marine aquarium. [/quote]
I guess I was just more or less asking who had what, if anything to get rid of… I have an 80 gallon tank with 2 koralias currently, running a Mag 7 but am actually getting a Mag 9 as part of a different trade soon, so I will switch to the Mag 9. I either want to be able to run maybe 2 Mp10s, 1 mp40 and a Koralia or a Sea swirl on the Mag 9 to help…