WTB: Water pump 2000gph or little higher

As state in the subject line. I’m looking for a reasonable priced water pump that your trying to get rid of. It can be either internal or external with 2000gph or more.

There was a new person at the meeting on the 23rd this last Monday By the name of Jim that was talking to Jason(beadlocked450r) that has a MAG 24 for sale. Please get with me/PM me for the sale info. Thank you

bump bump

you could try a pair of quiet one 4000s. 990 gph with 10 foot head, and 65 watts each. would that work on your return lines? Either separate return lines fore each or maifold together.

I guess I can do it that way Ken. But I think its gonna take more room in the sump for 2 pump. I have plans for this sump to have a fuge and a section for water change. It may have to be an external pump as well.