WTB/WTT for Yellow Polyps

[quote=“Gordonious, post:20, topic:2448”]
Glad to hear the toadstool is doing well. Are those your polyps? That is exactly what I am looking for.

Thanks for the heads up on the Petkare ones. If Paul doesn’t have any I may have to swing by there. They aren’t horribly hard to find at LFS, but would rather find a small frag from a hobbyist if possible. [/quote]
yeah jon, they are mine. i am trying to get them to attach to an additional plug next to them, and they are dam fast, so that might happen by next weekend

Sweet. If you could set another plug by them that would be awesome.

if he cant get them 2 spread for you (i put them right by a smaller rock 2 spread at work ) the one we have is only $25 n its about a 4 in rock with id say maybe 25 polyps or so