As the title states I’m looking to buy or trade for some yellow polyps. Some people have complained they could never keep them undercontrol, but I sware I’ve got them at least three times in the past and they always seemed to disapear. Perhaps my purple tang has a taste for them or something, but regardless I would like to find some more.
Sounds good. You were looking for a frag of GSP right? If it’s cool with you we could just swap for those. Was it the purple mat stuff or the white mat? I believe I have some small frags of each, not really grown out too much, but well attached.
Jon, I pulled the rock with the yellow polyps on it out from the sand bed where it was buried and only a few polyps were still on. I’ve set it out of the sand and will give them a few weeks to bounce back. I’ve also got some scattered on another rock where I don’t want them so I can try to get them off again and consolidate them, once I consolidate them I’ll give them a week or so before you could get them.
wow, u shoulda let me know a few weeks earlier. i just donated most/all of my softies to bill at greenbank. I had a huge rock with yellow polyps. o well… i dunno why im saying this but maybe he has some left…
Wait a second, what is going on? You went from selling all your corals, to keeping all your corals, to opening up a big green house, to donating most of your softies?
lol… well i was going to break down my system due to money issues cuz i couldnt afford to go all sps, which is what i want. Now i got the money, since i won some decent dough on the lotto, and used that to pay all my bills off, so i am keeping my setup. I gave all my softies to bill whos my long time friend, since they were growing to much and i believe the alleopathy was getting to be to much of a burden on the system, and affecting my sps.
the greenhouse is just a dream,which i hav a well thought out business plan, which may be a reality, but not for awhile, untill i hit a bigger lotto. I just posted to get opinions.
BUUUT i have a 180 butterfly tank and a 55 planted discus aquarium/paludarium(undecided on what to go with) in the works, to go along with my 75 reef and 20 gallon planted neon tetra breeding tank. I also have a bearded dragon desert biotope, a corn snake habitat, a dart frog vivarium and a crested gecko vivarium. I aAll of which simulate the natural conditions these animals are found in. I also have 2 hamsters and a cockateil. and dont forget my favorite pets, my two daughters, all of which are crammed into a small 2 bedrom apartment, in the elms. :D.
Awesome. I’m jelous of the different types of tanks. I just have two lizards, a cat, fresh water ~planted, and the reef tanks.
I can understand softies and SPS. I am currently thinking of pulling most of my stonies into a seperate tank. Could never get rid of the softies though as they as in most demand in the LFS.
BUUUT i have a 180 butterfly tank and a 55 planted discus aquarium/paludarium(undecided on what to go with) in the works, to go along with my 75 reef and 20 gallon planted neon tetra breeding tank. I also have a bearded dragon desert biotope, a corn snake habitat, a dart frog vivarium and a crested gecko vivarium. I aAll of which simulate the natural conditions these animals are found in. I also have 2 hamsters and a cockateil. and dont forget my favorite pets, my two daughters, all of which are crammed into a small 2 bedrom apartment, in the elms.
i can definitley relate! My systems are often dreamed of and planned out years before i can build them. I know that some people likely think that im BSing a lot of the times and i understand. I can not even count the number of “im getting a giant tank soon” threads that never materialize. However, id like to think i have a pretty good track record for eventually building my systems. Im also into naturalistic biotopes instead of just glass boxes. The habitat is often as important as the animal for me. Right now i have a 5’ desert biotope for my beardie, a 6’ planted pond biotope for my red ear slider and a 4’ vertical planted viv for my red eye tree frogs! the viv is finished, just havent gotten the RETFs yet. Im also in the process of setting up 6 planted dart frog vivs as well as 4 non PDF systems for a vietmanese mossy frog and malayasian horned frog. im undecided about the other two systems. The tanks are 20H that i got used on clearance from DPA. Ive got a large closet cleared, tiled, and ready to go. Im hoping to break ground on the tanks themselves and the electrical and plumbing needed for the systesm sometime after the holiday but im in no hurry. I was the guy that let a brand new empty 265g tank sit in my house for months before i started to set it up! >LOL<
btw, im pretty sure there is another DRC member that lives in your neighborhood. hes also into herps as well as reefs.
yes i love animals but the environment makes the animal so much better! i am also planning on getting an african grey parrot or amazon sucks i cant make a rainforest for him/her. :D. im addicted to animals. first up is the discus tank tho, that should be setup right after xmas, i just need to build/buy a stand for my 55. im sad that my beardies only have a 10 gallon right now, but there still small. the dart frogs are great! it took me a few years to devolop a green thumb for plants. i could grow corals and aquatic plants right of the back tho. there was numerous attempts and failures with various humidity levels, light levels and all untill i could get my orchids and bromelliads to live, let alone grow. finally i have creeping fig carpeting the upper level of the viv, and HC(hemianius calitroicheds(sp)) aka dwarf baby tears or cuban pearl grass carpeting the underwater/bank level of the vivarium. my dream animal is a emerald tree boa, yes a boa, not a green tree python. i just dont feel i have the will,skill to tackle such a delicate and expensive animal… yet. maybe once i play with my dart frogs and keep the vivarium up for a while, i may expand it into a bigger system, i actually have a great armoire in mind at the goodwill on kirkwood highway, that i could turn into beautiful vivarium :D.
Yea, Jon the ones on the original rock are just hanging in there, but they’ve spread and the the lil bastards are doing well. I’ve just been slacking, I’ll try to get them onto a frag rock tonight for you so they have to time to heal.
if they are the same ones as that pic there is a rock of them at petkare i was personally thinking about getting them but than realized my mom would get mad if i spent more money on my tank lol
Glad to hear the toadstool is doing well. Are those your polyps? That is exactly what I am looking for.
Thanks for the heads up on the Petkare ones. If Paul doesn’t have any I may have to swing by there. They aren’t horribly hard to find at LFS, but would rather find a small frag from a hobbyist if possible.