I am willing to trade for zoanthids right now, no SPS. I would like to get some more colorful frags, let me know what you have.
For Sale-
ORA orange/peach digitata 1-3" $5-20 Many available all sizes some on plugs some not.
2x red digitata colonies $40/obo each
Devils hand $5-15 some mounted some not, sizes range from 1-3"
4x Devils hand on one rock all 4"+ should be dropping babies within a few months $70/obo
14-16" Showpiece Tan Toadstool leather, This thing is big - willing to take cash with trade or all cash. $175
Toadstool leather not even fully open-
ORA peach digitata frags #1 & 2 red digitata changes to lighter or darker depending on light intensity. Under my t’5s its a dark red with great PE /IMAG0567.jpg[/img]
devils hand4 (4 on 1 rock) Continues to get bigger and show new sprouts.
Mother colony of the Devils hand leather
Reply sent Snupa gets first pick at the pocillipora.
Also I have a bunch of devils hand leathers coming up that have grown a good bit, ill get pictures tomorrow after lights on
Devils hands added to list. forgot to mention on the devils hand I do have some loose pieces getting ready to fall off the mother colony those will be like $5-10 depending on size.
I like #3 Devil’s hand. If the small pieces are available let me know I am interested in 1 or 2 of those too possibly. Send me a PM with your info so we can arrange a time to pick up.
I just broke a piece off my digitata last night while moving some things around I will post a picture shortly its about 2" +/- .5" multiple branches on it priced at $25 if anyone is interested. Might also part with what I believe is a green hairy mushroom thats about 4-5" some days looks bigger. And also will be putting up my cabbage leather as I am not a fan of it.
Interested in trading Xenia for “reddish/peach digitata”? Is the species on the left int he first image? I have lots of red sea xenia and may have some elongata or another species of darker colored, depending on what your looking for.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:16, topic:5032”]
Interested in trading Xenia for “reddish/peach digitata”? Is the species on the left int he first image? I have lots of red sea xenia and may have some elongata or another species of darker colored, depending on what your looking for. [/quote]
The first picture the one on the left is the digitata, I also have another piece i did not post that is a little bigger with multiple branches on it. PM pictures of the Xenia. I already ordered some elongata(atleast thats what it looks like). I would love to get the blueish pulsing xenia.
I need to move some things out so I adjusted some prices. I have a bunch of devils hand fresh offspring. I am picking up 10 items from the fragswap so I need the room. If someone would like to buy the colony with 4 stalks on it pm me a offer. From the looks of the size I would say in another 3-4months offspring would be expected by the way they have been growing.
[quote=“Scottman81, post:19, topic:5032”]
The devil’s hand and shroom I got from you are great, acclimated with no problems. :: Are you still looking to sell digita?[/quote]