WTS/WTT Canopy/sump fans

I was originally planning to install fans in my canopy, but dont need to since my I moved the tank to the main floor of the home. I have 4 computer fans and a power supply available, I pulled these out of computers so they have been used but are all in working order. I will also include a power supply so you have power.

Looking to trade for corals.

Links to pages selling the same item to give an idea of value and picture.
2 fans are these:
Fans: http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=3612kl-04w-b66&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=14641472859&ref=pd_sl_7ee0mli6mt_b
The other 2 are

Power supply:


Let me know, I would be happy to bring these to the swap.

Thanks, Dave