don’t understand its use, or if it’s complete, but here it is. want to trade for nice corals, no fish. acan, chalice, etc. has some salt oxidation, but comes off easily with sandpaper. make an offer. not looking to rip anyone, or the other way around.
no interest? on ebay by the weekend.
this is a subtle bump too :BUMP)
I don’t know. I’ve never used a Calcium Reactor. is it full or whut? what else does it take to set up a reactor? the reactor, a regulator and a bubble counter and the tank.
What’s that thingy attached to the tank on the tubey wirey thingy?
How many pounds of CO2 does it hold?
thats a small 12 oz co2 tank, it would not work for a calcium reactor, unless it was for a 10 gallon.
is there a gauge on the unit? is that a solenoid with a powerplug?
thats a small 12 oz co2 tank, it would not work for a calcium reactor, unless it was for a 10 gallon.
It will work just fine for a calcium reactor on a much larger tank than a 10gallon. I only had a 5lb tank that would last for between 18-24months on a 100g+ system. If you use a Ca reactor with a controller you dont user nearly as much CO2 as you would with a bubble counter.
what else does it take to set up a reactor? the reactor, a regulator and a bubble counter and the tank. What's that thingy attached to the tank on the tubey wirey thingy?The thingy is the solenoid but it should be attached to the regulator. If you look to the top of the regulator right above where the blue wire attaches you can see a pin. I dont know anything about this particular controller but i would guss that pin is where it would attach to the regulator. Assuming everything works you would only need the reactor(DIY), the media, a quality needlevalve($5), and a bubble counter or controller. For me using a controller is a no brainer. Its much more consistent, precise, and efficient not to mention a 1000 times easier to dial in than a bubble counter. The Milwaukie controller runs a little more than a $100 new and a DIY bubble counter will be about $3.
i talked to him and the regulator doesnt have a gauge on it. u would be able to put a gauge on the regulator where the plug is right?
also there are 6.666666666666666666 12 oz tanks in a 5 lb tank, meaning u would have to refill that tank about every 2-3 months. the cost betwen refilling a 12 oz tank and a 5 lb tank is a few dollars. yes u could use it on a bigger tank, but it wouldnt be effective.
this thing is better suited for a freshwater planted tank imho. but yes it could be used for a careactor
so, addicted, I guess it’s a no go, right. that’s fine also. just LMK. i wanna get rid of it and if someone has a use for it that is great!
Did you ever sell this?
still in my basement