Yellow Blenny Black Spots

For the first time i have noticed something wrong today. On my yellow blenny he has a bunch of black dots right around his head… anyone know what it could be. Everyone else looks fine, but him…

I can get pics soonish…

Does he spend a lot of time perched in Zoanthids? How long have you had him? Fighting with any other fish? Any recent problems with chemistry?

Hope to see images soon, hope he’ll be ok. I’ll check in later tonight.

No zoanthids in tank, about half a month, not that i can see, not that i know of unless happened in last day ill run tests, and get pics

Maybe it’s Zitts? going thru puberty? fish can develop their markings as they mature. or not.

No pics?

Any anemones in the tank?

sorry cant find mem for camera, have to use sisters camera when she gets home from moountain house… looks alittle better… and no craig

SD memory card? CF? I have spare of each if you want to borrow tomorrow night. Just shoot me a text and let me know.

We found it but wont be able to get it till 12th, at grand parents. So i can just use my sisters now taht she is home… Thanks though jon


How’s it doing?

mm not too good, black still there and he is gettting faded spots on him of yellow, so more whiteish. Just bought a new tank, added tank water, got filter running, and getting it all set up… he will go in next few days, and then i will start treating with lifegaurd

:frowning: sorry to hear. What does it have?

black dots, thats all i know lol :wink: i am looking for some stuff

It’s a good idea to get a little more info then that before treating. Step one is to get a good picture or if that is not easy to do try a video.


yaya i know i know… but i cant seem to find anything on it on any forums i look on… It dosent seem to be bothering him either, im starting to think it might be tumors…

Seems to be like turbellarian but bigger, and like HLLE, but in a blenny

None of the people who know about fish disease online will point you to pictures of other sick fish to have you identify it yourself. The two I trust most with fish disease have written countless article and never once included an image of a sick fish stating exactly what it has. It is best to show them an image and describe all the symptoms and get their opinion as to the best treatment.

Who would these people be and where can i post a picture? I will post one here when i take it, which should be sooon!

See my response here for who to contact. I wouldn’t waste their time until you get a picture though.