Yellow Clown Goby 4 sale

i cought mine. i bought him for 10$. he is in a fish breeder so the sooner the better. he is very healthy and is a very nice fish. the reason why i do not want him anymore is this, i have seen him picking on my stylo. nothing major. it is a very small coral and i dont want him to stress anything out(be it just polyp retraction). this is my first venture with sps and i can use any edge i can get.

What has it been eating? (ie. flake, pellet, brine, nothing…)

omega flake,veggie flake, and sometimes plankton.

Well if nobody takes him by the end of easter weekend I will take it monday or tues.

I’ll buy the little yellow clown goby from you if you are sure you don’t want to keep it. I have had one in my sps frag tank for a long time. needs a play mate. I like clown gobies. mine just perches on the acro frags all day, watching the garden grow.

well i would be glad to give it to u. friday-saturday would be best but im off all week. what ever works for u.

ok, I’ll PM you a time.

Bret! You jynxed me! I caught my yellow citron clown picking on my blue acro!! >::: Never seen the little guy pick on anything else!

well BZ, i put the little yellow clown goby in my acro frag tank with the other larger one i have had for several years. and five minutes later, the two of them are are hangin out together. parallel swimming. hopping from frag to frag. oops, or mabe its a dominance thing. now my bigger one is chasing the little one. we shall see. if they dont get along, i can move it to another tank. they may be two males. it should be fine in one tank or the other. meanwhile the yellow watchman goby is sitting up watching the show . the new yellow goby is hiding in the tree tops of the Kenya tree forest. they will work it out.


light check. how does that little purple monti frag look? the top should be pretty bright.

well i moved some stuff around and now theres no polyps out but i can see some signs of a nice purple color.
the acro has all polyps half way out (from what i can tell). i fragged the rock u gave me. all zoos look great. i think at least a piece of the monti will serive. thanks again ken ;D. hope the goby likes his new home. ill get some pictures up soon.

This morning the two gobbies are all buddy buddy, perching side by side on my bigger ones favorite acro. they worked out who is the boss and now all is well. they look cool.

[quote=“kaptken, post:9, topic:1502”]
they may be two males.[/quote]

Just a heads up Ken, clown gobies will change sexes either way, so just leave them together and you should have a pair eventually.

I didn’t know that. but now i do. right now they are just sitting there both staring over my sholder while i play on the puter. i guess it dont take much to entertain fish. or they just want to keep up on the forum chat.