Yes... I am completely stupid.

Yes they do, but only to split shipping. The deal is if you get enough people together you can split shippin on a whole truckload of tanks.

Im not sure where you got that info from, GC is notorious for not offering anything extra, let alone a discount.

VERY few aquariums can be shipped. After that you have 3 options.

  1. freight through a 3rd party provider
  2. deilvery throught GC that might be within driving distance only once or twice a year.
  3. picking up at a tradeshow that GC attends.

Even if one club managed to fill half a truck, i guarentee you that they are going to expect us to cover their costs of the delivery. Their might be a VERY SMALL delivery discount, but i doubt that it would be significant.

Anyways, im going to the NY show. When the time gets closer i will create a post to see if any of the herp keepers want to go. If i recall, Joecephus has gone to this show and said it is great.